
Because for half a season now Theon's kind of just done nothing but be tied up or carried around, with a whole lot of whimpering thrown in. The whole false escape thing feels redundant to me, but fair enough if you enjoyed it. Half a season is a long time to establish that a torturer is sadistic and now somebody else

I'm more on the side of "this doesn't strike me as a dude that thinks about dresses." It cheapens it, I feel.

We never saw Syrio die. WE NEVER SAW SYRIO DIE!

I thought Edmure was kind of old to be unmarried. You know, in-universe.

I agree with everything you say here whole-heartedly.

Not me. He's repulsive in every way. My stomach started sinking when he began his speech about a customer with 'special interests'.

Nah, she's pretty brainless generally. Like when she didn't keep her trap shut to Joffrey's new fiance about how he's a monster, because her grammy said it's cool, we're cool.

Yes, I easily imagined her being there, and I'm kind of surprised she wasn't. It seems the logical extension of the "prove you mean what you say." And I believe, from what we've seen so far, she would have pulled the trigger (though not wanting to actually do so.)

Well she would become his family, and his obligation would extend to her, even if he had Shae on the side.

I think it's partly that Varys doesn't have to worry about protecting his family line. If you catch my meaning…

I found that scene dragged a bit. Though I can't figure out if I'm delighted or mortified he sang a song about good fathers (and mothers) to the girl whose father impregnated her and who was going to sacrifice their child to an ice demon.

I'm pretty upset about Ros's death. More so than I thought I'd be. Now that I think about it, she was one of the very few people whose fates I cared about - she was kind of a stand-in for the rest of us, the 'little people' (not the actual little people) that weren't kings or nobles or highborn or whatever, but just

You could be right. They kind of have to visit him every now and then so that he doesn't age too fast. It was already jarring enough seeing how much older he looks this season. Give it another year and he'll be just another grey hair-ed, bearded, grizzled white man this show loves employing.

"It's not that little", Tyrion politely informed his sister.

Also, Margaery seemed to finally win him over by talking about how exciting it must be to point the crossbow at some*thing* and watch it die. It was a pretty unsubtle appeal.

Agree with the Wall stuff. I liked the Jon Snow/Ygritte bit like everyone else seems to. I'd gotten a bit bored of them this season after fantastic tension last season but this really made me care for that relationship again. I found most of the actual climbing sequence though pretty boring, until they reached the

Can't marry or have kids. No women allowed. Reminds me of the "Scared Straight" program from Arrested Westeros: "There's nothing to do there all day but lift weights, fold laundry… and get thrown into a cage with a bunch of sweaty men."

I'm still hoping.

It did seem particularly douchey and confected dramatic tension-y. Like, the two dudes up top didn't seem like they were struggling to hold on. I get that it's dangerous and tough and everything, but couldn't they have tried an "alright, you guys try swing to the wall, and if you can't we're going to drop you" thing?

An interesting juxtaposition between the two worst facially-haired men of Westeros.