
Last week I totally hadn't even thought about the Sansa, Shae, Tyrion triangle. I thought that scene was excellent tonight, and I felt for all three of them.

I agree with Shiham's point - Pizza Hut supplies a fairly banal product compared to a 'perfect elite army' store. Even if it's pick-up only.

@Arex, I thought the major motivation was that if they marry, there's a chance the Tyrell's would inherit the north, since there was a high probability all the other Starks would be dead by then.

You know, five years ago I probably wouldn't have thought I'd be using that description about a character in one of the most celebrated shows on television.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus So who's Theon then, Jenna or Barbara?

I think part of that is my problem - she's been put through so much so that it feels like she's mostly just reacted to things. All the other characters have agency and make decisions, but it's felt like she's been on this pre-arranged path that has taken her from point A to B to C, and for the longest time, all she

@avclub-fd49932f918497f20b2931ddc110bcbe:disqus , you're right, they do attempt to demonstrate the heinous things they go through.

I agree with you, @avclub-5fdbaa11bd42c308322756f60f43785f:disqus, about how budget alone will affect things. Robb's war is a good comparison though for where I'm coming from - my favourite part of the show is that nobody's really strong enough to dominate anyone else fully, so you have this complex web of intrigue

Sophomoric fascism? Wow.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That's heartbreaking! I totally missed that. Jaqen was one of my favourite characters, Melissandre my most hated. I can't stand fanatical religious missionaries in shows. I thought her one true god was all about the organised religion, his red god (death) about randomness. I guess they can

As far as I know, all extremist indoctrinations, from the Spartans to kamakazi bombers to suicide bombers, have at their core a fundamental belief in a cause. I just don't see how it would be possible to create a 100% loyal slave army where loyalty can be traded to the highest bidder.

I wonder what would 'real objectification' would actually look like?

She has one, maybe two intensity levels, a constant constipated expression and a toneless, flat voice. I agree it's partially the material she's working with, but I don't feel she does or can make much of it. I liked her tonight but I think it was the material, rather than her delivery.

Oddly enough, @Cutlass12:disqus , I'm totally down with dragons, white walkers, wargs and all of that. The fantastical elements are part of the narrative world, but the psychology and logistics of the show are supposed to be very much rooted in ours.

Well that is cool if true, though there's a difference between learning a language and applying some stock phrases in certain circumstances. Still, more than just rote memorisation.

I didn't notice any problem with either scene, but then it could just be a matter of shitty monitors and tv screens at my end.

All of the new King's Landing sets were stunning!

You know, reducing actresses and storylines to tits is pretty disrespectful.

The Lord of Light is not the Red God, is (s)he? I thought light was about fire/purity, red was about blood/death?

Wait, you guys think "Winter is Coming" is a good motto?!