
"Wrong answer…"

Yeah, I liked that too actually, and the calling Will on it. It is totally emotionally manipulative and abusive and unstable. It's really not a wholesome romance, but the show just can't commit to that idea, and so is tonally mixed up by trumpeting the 'destined to be together' line.

Yeah, I liked that too actually, and the calling Will on it. It is totally emotionally manipulative and abusive and unstable. It's really not a wholesome romance, but the show just can't commit to that idea, and so is tonally mixed up by trumpeting the 'destined to be together' line.

Actually I was reading an article THIS VERY MORNING in the Sydney Morning Herald about kids in China studying English, and how they're all required to do it now from 3rd grade because it's the international language of business and nothing else comes close etc.

Actually I was reading an article THIS VERY MORNING in the Sydney Morning Herald about kids in China studying English, and how they're all required to do it now from 3rd grade because it's the international language of business and nothing else comes close etc.

Yeah that's kind of what I assume as well. Although I suppose an accountant couldn't legally give consent in medical situations, but it's possible that he FedEx'd some forms over and Will signed without paying attention blah blah. Too minor to get worked up over in my mind, I'm just tugging at the thread for funsies.

Yeah that's kind of what I assume as well. Although I suppose an accountant couldn't legally give consent in medical situations, but it's possible that he FedEx'd some forms over and Will signed without paying attention blah blah. Too minor to get worked up over in my mind, I'm just tugging at the thread for funsies.

Well colour me ignorant but I don't understand something on the internet! Is that a hip new meme or some cultish classic line or something?

Well colour me ignorant but I don't understand something on the internet! Is that a hip new meme or some cultish classic line or something?

Well first of all I felt like a racist, because I thought the security guard was Dot Com the entire time (instead he's the dad from Everybody Hates Chris.) Then I Googled Kevin Brown and Terry Crews and don't feel like as much of a racist, because, holy shit, that's at least a little bit understandable.

Well first of all I felt like a racist, because I thought the security guard was Dot Com the entire time (instead he's the dad from Everybody Hates Chris.) Then I Googled Kevin Brown and Terry Crews and don't feel like as much of a racist, because, holy shit, that's at least a little bit understandable.

Yeah, I can imagine that's the case. For me though the issue then becomes more so how can he be accepting payment for sessions if they're not legally agreed to?

Yeah, I can imagine that's the case. For me though the issue then becomes more so how can he be accepting payment for sessions if they're not legally agreed to?

Well… Yeah. Hence him tearing up the receipt at the end, and the incredibly overbearing repetition that they still love each other and breaking up was a terrible mistake.

Well… Yeah. Hence him tearing up the receipt at the end, and the incredibly overbearing repetition that they still love each other and breaking up was a terrible mistake.

I didn't find that unbelievable that a) they would have someone in PR who was bilingual, or b) in the event of a disaster, they outsourced PR who had English speaking spokespeople.

I didn't find that unbelievable that a) they would have someone in PR who was bilingual, or b) in the event of a disaster, they outsourced PR who had English speaking spokespeople.

Well, technically Will *had* been seeing the psychiatrist's son since the death, so I dunno. Not being entirely familiar with how it works, if you can accept that the son took over the clinic and continued receiving bookings and payment from Will, isn't there an implication that there was some kind of consent (or

Well, technically Will *had* been seeing the psychiatrist's son since the death, so I dunno. Not being entirely familiar with how it works, if you can accept that the son took over the clinic and continued receiving bookings and payment from Will, isn't there an implication that there was some kind of consent (or

The "I'm going to single-handedly fix the internet" was enormously tounge-in-cheek. Hence I think it was Neal's wry "what could possibly go wrong?" I don't think it's really fair to criticise that (although the question of anonymity and general attitudes to interactivity were hopelessly antiquated.)