
The "I'm going to single-handedly fix the internet" was enormously tounge-in-cheek. Hence I think it was Neal's wry "what could possibly go wrong?" I don't think it's really fair to criticise that (although the question of anonymity and general attitudes to interactivity were hopelessly antiquated.)

"She's kinda charming and she is very attractive." Works for me. I whimpered every time she appeared in a mini-skirt and boots. ie. 95% of her scenes. <3

"She's kinda charming and she is very attractive." Works for me. I whimpered every time she appeared in a mini-skirt and boots. ie. 95% of her scenes. <3

Congratulations @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus, in just a handful of replies you've revealed yourself as a more rounded character than Sorkin has managed in any of his leads five episodes in!

Congratulations @avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus, in just a handful of replies you've revealed yourself as a more rounded character than Sorkin has managed in any of his leads five episodes in!

But they put George Bush Jnr's head on a stick! Clearly they're a bunch of commies.

But they put George Bush Jnr's head on a stick! Clearly they're a bunch of commies.

@avclub-ef4a8008198add83765f0d40313ebbf7:disqus - oh totally, I was like "she's dedicated to quality because she's trying up until 3am trying to cram something it takes a lifetime to master and that apparently she has no competence in because she's expected to speak authoritatively on it tomorrow? How is that

@avclub-ef4a8008198add83765f0d40313ebbf7:disqus - oh totally, I was like "she's dedicated to quality because she's trying up until 3am trying to cram something it takes a lifetime to master and that apparently she has no competence in because she's expected to speak authoritatively on it tomorrow? How is that

I thought that was just a joke, that Will was poking fun at himself. I thought it was one of the best lines of the episode.

I thought that was just a joke, that Will was poking fun at himself. I thought it was one of the best lines of the episode.

Actually that's spot on criticism, and makes this insistence on foregrounding the relationships in the show a terrible storytelling decision.

Actually that's spot on criticism, and makes this insistence on foregrounding the relationships in the show a terrible storytelling decision.

Automatic bank transfers. In fairness I'm Australian so maybe it's different here. It was the same when I lived in the UK though. Nary a chequebook in sight.

Automatic bank transfers. In fairness I'm Australian so maybe it's different here. It was the same when I lived in the UK though. Nary a chequebook in sight.

Wait, Will's not gay? But he took dancing lessons and cries at films! Isn't that what they do?

Wait, Will's not gay? But he took dancing lessons and cries at films! Isn't that what they do?

Hopefully in thirty years time your father won't be a cantankerous has-been that doesn't understand why he can't do more fart jokes on his ensemble television comedy because he's the only one that 'knows' funny.

Hopefully in thirty years time your father won't be a cantankerous has-been that doesn't understand why he can't do more fart jokes on his ensemble television comedy because he's the only one that 'knows' funny.

Well not 'Liked', but good comment. I found the whole Neal background a pretty cheap grab.