Sen. Nathan Pimptrelli

It depends on what you would classify as "digs". He seems to make fun of everybody, but not in a hateful way.

I'm so glad I disagree with Arsenio on this topic.
I usually agree with his posts, so now at least I know he's not the Tyl;er Durden version of me that comes out after I've passed out with a bottkle of Hennessey in my hands, a Kool in my mouth,and an Alaskan trick on my Jimmy.

This is probably going to be an episode that gets funnier upon subsequent vewings for some (I thought it was hillarious on the first go-round myself).

When I saw the preview, I didn't think it was Sam Jackson either.
I think it's a matter of the new animation style tricking our minds.

Call him butter, because he's on a roll. Boo-Yah!!!

The Daily Show with Kilby (Much like Talk Soup with Kinnear) was a great show, but the student (or the successor) has surpassed the teacher due in large part to the explosinon of the interwebs.

I put Kilborn in the same category as John Henson.
Kilby was the man back in the day…unfortunately, that day is long gone.

AIn't White bitches covered under "bitches"?

Even though there's half a season to go I don't think there's any question that Season 3 will go down as the definitive season. Even though "The Hateocracy" has been the only episode that I rank as being on par with the best of S2, Season 3 as a whole has been crazy.

And I'm squarely in the camp of "The Simpsons Never Jumped".
I mean, is there any other show on Sundays at 8 pm that are worthy of my time…Not hardly. True season 19 (or was it 20) was maybe the worst season since Season 1 but this past season was a major improvement.

Obviously he's going to put out an album.
He's workerd his "Celebration Melody" into almost every episode.
It's become the "Robot Man" to the Boondocks' "Chappelle's Show".

Dwayne Wayne AND Cockroach Cole…
Well-played MacGruder.
Another surprisingly good episode.
I didn't have high expectations for Pause or The Fundraiser…but A-Mac & the crew knocked it out of the park again.

I think it was the first time Riley's ever fought an "equal".
LaMilton was bigger & stronger, but he was also pretty stupid and more emotional than Riley during the fight..

And the scenes on the rooftop were direct callbacks to "Juice".
All good springboards for parody, but it never quite clicked like the Sanford & Son/Good Times references clicked in the last episode.

I agree about the tone.
It's like A-Mac had a lot of good premises (The Hoodrat Kid, "Juice", A Boondocks thriller), but they didn't work together.

I came into the episode knowing all about the real kid's story…but it only added slightly more entertainment value I think.

Good to see Wendy's is letting you have enough free time to post reviews, Leonard.

Yeah, if MacFarlane ran the Bondocks, right after the scene he'd have Huey sing some time-consuming torch song about how no one respects anime anymore. I dig FG as much as the next guy, but The Boondocks is on a whole 'nother level.

* Popular & my, respectively.

That phrase has already become popula at moy workplace.
It works regardless of race, and it leaves it's self open for parody/custimization. For example..(from the chick at the office)