Sen. Nathan Pimptrelli


Granted I've rarely seen eye to eye with an AV Club reviewer since the excommunication of the right Reverend Brother Doctor Leonard Pierce (his reviews of The Boondocks are still some of the finest pieces of pop-culture criticism that this site has ever published)…But a grade of a "D" for what is ostensibly one of the



I'd say Bo was well on his way to becoming a great player before his injury.  His power, speed, & RBI numbers were good, he was a capable outfielder, and his average was improving every year.  If you give him a relatively injury-free 10-year career, he could have been a poor-man's Griffey Jr. (or a rich man's Ronnie

I'd say Bo was well on his way to becoming a great player before his injury.  His power, speed, & RBI numbers were good, he was a capable outfielder, and his average was improving every year.  If you give him a relatively injury-free 10-year career, he could have been a poor-man's Griffey Jr. (or a rich man's Ronnie

Ah, The "Bat-Embargo".  That brings back memories of early 2000's message board in-fighting.  It was one of the silliest things WB has ever done (and that's a very long list).

Justice League Reviews?!?It's about time!  Not only was this one of the best animated superhero shows ever…BUt one could argue that Justice League/JLU may be the best superhero show EVER!  Its what Heroes, The Cape, and countless other shows could only dream of.Plus it gave us arguably the best version of Green

I hate to nitpick (but isn't that what the internets is all about?)…But Batman isn't the "token human". In facto, of the Original 7 Leaguers, humans make up the majority (Bruce Wayne, John Stewart, & Wally West).

The thing is you're comparing it to arguably the best superhero show ever produced (JL/JLU). Young Justice is a solid show on it's own and given the lack of quality superhero shows I'd say it's worth a watch.

The same thing can be said about Seasons 5-7 of Homicide that could be said about post 2000 episodes of The Simpsons (or Michael Jordan in a Wizards' uniform): While not what it once was, there were still moments of brilliance where they rose above any of their contemporaries.

If I recall, she did have a cane of some sort. But I think that's because she was old…Not to merntion all of the Bat-Sex.

If only John Romero had learned a lesson from this episode.

Unquestionably worse.

Let's Pour Out Some Liquor…
For "Studio 60".

If we're talking all time greatest comedians, then the list has to start with Carlin & Pryor (in whatever order you prefer).

I think Jalen Rose had the right idea about giving collegiate athletes a $2,000 stipend (now he just needs to ghet a handle on the whole drunk-driving thing). It is a highly exploitive system (keep in mind that scholarships are only valid for one year and they can be terminated at any time) and the colleges are

Once again no love for the Boondocks.
And to a much lesser extent, Baby Blues.

Damn you "Let's Wait" for making me think!
I much preferred your cousin "Let's Chill" (Guy was severley underrated).

And in retrospect, ballin' was a pretty solid episode.
But I'm a big sports fan, so the references may have hit me harder than they would another 'Docks fan who's not into sports.