Sen. Nathan Pimptrelli

@ Quirk

The Simpsons are the TV equivalent of Brett Favre.

Amazing, isn't it?

Is the underlying theme of Heroes…
That interracial relationships don't last?
D.L. and NIkki
Hiro and Charlie
Isaac and Simone
Peter and Simone
Peter and Caitlin
Bennett and Sade'
MoHizzy and Maya

In fact I think King Kring goes the complete opposite direction and rights Jimmy Hatian AKA Rene out of the script entirely (not like he's doing much with him now…but still).

Sign Scott Bakula for Season 5…
David Anders + George T. + Samuel FINALLY going full-out heel = a nice way to waste 60 minutes in my book.

Yeah, I saw it as a cover-up. His first look after Mackworthy's eye comes out gives it away.

No…No they did not.
But Conan did…because he's a Black man.

Classic FG > Modern Simpson's.
Modern FG is rather unamusing.

You disliked the dream sequence…so as obviously brilliant as you may be, your critique has lost credibiility. Also…It's all about The U!

3 Days later & that song is still in my head.
My boss asked me why I was late for work yesterday and I said, "It's all about the U…Bitch!".

And much like Heroes, the early chapters of X-Factor kicked much arse.
Cyke, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Jean Grey…that was a squad right there.

Peter had to actively use the power. Since he wasn't threatened by Nurse Laverne from Scrubs (or was it Haleah from ER?), he wasn't "on".
Like when Peter absorbed his power from Rene'…Rene' had to allow Peter access to his ability.

Not as long as we have gems like Homeboys in Outer-Space or the new Melrose place to use as Examples.

I'm not surprised that he didn't mention his wife (the trick did leave him and probably stuck him for half of his earnings). But I am surprised that he mentioned Claire, but not his boys (although his estranged wife may have completley cut them off from the Petrelli clan as a whole).

Double-posting = not nearly as awsm as youz suspekted.

Yes & No.
Omar (or even Saed or Adebisi from Oz) would've been great (imagine how much cooler The Hatian…er…Rene's brother would have been if those guys would have played him).

None of the ones with talent.
When is having a steady gig on a popular-ish show for four years ever a bad thing?

I respectfully disagree since Knox = Jaime Hector which is inherently awesome in itself.

Sylar got flight when he killed Nathan at the end of last year.