Sen. Nathan Pimptrelli

Y…I'm a die-hard.

Not even close…granted I dug Studio 60 in spurts, so YMMV. But then again i'm an ecclectic fellow.

Somebody please pay me to watch Heroes…I've watched worse for free.

Do the carnies "killing" Mohinder make them even more likeable?
Yes…yes it does.

Or you could just be an average American who needs a diversion from the workday before Monday Night Football comes on.

Actually that was an "oh snap" type of moment.
After all these years of calling the man "Jimmy Hatian", Rene' seems kind of weird…but at least he's back (for now…only to disappear again when the world is in crisis and coulkd use one of the most powerful people on the planet).

Some of you people (what do you mean You people) need to go back to school and re-learn your "context clues".

* Chick

Hot Black chcik + Rey Mysterio = win…your opinion has been nullified good sir.

That reminds me of something The white dude from "Friends" once said.

My 200 Pesos…
A mixed bag: Some really good parts, mixed in with some WTF moments.


So the truth lies somewhere in the middle (between the barf & the bile0?

Haters Gotta Hate, Lovers Gotta Love…
I don't really want none of the above…I want to p*ss on this review.