
Here's a link to "Silver Spoon" - Grace Slick's ode to the orgiastic joy of cannibalism, gorging yourself and having bad table manners. Bon Apetit:

When people present the above-mentioned nitpicks ("Couldn't Jay just take a trans-Atlantic flight to Australia???) seem to entirely gloss over is the fact that Jay and everybody else shown to be affected by this curse are KIDS! No, Jay isn't going to fly to the other side of the world, how in f*** is she going to

I turned off "Sin City" halfway through; not because I was scared of it, but because I was repulsed by the constant reveling in extreme graphic violence. I'm not usually squeamish about violent movies, but that one really hit a nerve with me.

Of course the real, and incontrovertible truth about "the Walking Dead" is that none of it is real - Rick never woke up in the hospital after being shot in the first five minutes of episode one. There was never a zombie apocalypse. He is merely having a long, extended nightmare while remaining in a vegetative coma.

"My knowledge of all things DC is fairly limited so school me on details I miss in the comments."

How about the "Role Reversal" family?

Red Tornado is a villain? Since when?? I know his backstory was that he was CREATED by a villain (T.O. Morrow) to infiltrate the JSA and betray it, but AFAIK he immediately rebelled against his creator and become a genuine good guy (and later got promoted to the JLA.) When and how did he become a bad guy?

I haven't seen it in decades (not since it was in the theater probably) but I have read critques of Nightmare 2 that interpret the whole movie as homophobic hysteria on the main character' part: in a departure from the usual formula, a boy (not a 'final girl') who thinks he may be gay and Freddie is the manifestation

"…leaving it to be merely a high school romp trafficking in awkward racial stereotypes for “werewolf powers” that ultimately teaches kids to be themselves, even when they could be a weird dog-looking werewolf thing…."

"Awful power ballad" seems like an entirely redundant term.

I think she'd make a great Doctor, and I'm down with a female Doc. But I like her as Agent Carter and would hate to see that show cut short.

We all live in a Capital 'I'.

Of all the possible spin-off shows that might've came out of "the Simpsons", the one I would've liked to have seen is a series starring Apu and Manjula and their eight kids. It would be easy enough to engineer - simply have Apu transferred to another Kwik-E-Mart store away from Springfield. Also, if it was done to

Honorary mention:"Campfire Song" by 10,00 Maniacs wouldn't really count as it is an album track (from "In My Tribe"), but curiously the band titled their 2005 greatest hits retrospective "Campfire Songs" without including this cut.

I watched this show avidly as an eight-year old as well. I don't remember much of the plot of this episode, but I do remember the "Kiss" knock-off group. I remember the three are in the studio trying to crack the case. One of them is clowning around and then another turns to him sternly and says (with full kabuki face

You forgot to mention the single-greatest "loser superhero" duo of all time: Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy!

I haven't seen too much of the new show. I am slightly disappointed to learn that John Wesley Shpp is in the cast already. I thought it'd be a great episode to have the current Flash cross over to an parrallel space/time continuum (an "Earth-two" if you will) and meet a somewhat older Flash (played by guess who?) who

Perhaps it's the mention of Japanese sex-bots directly above the entry for "Small Wonder" that made me think of it, but there's a possible unstated "useful" function that the middle-aged doofus inventor might have had in mind when creating a robot that looked like a prepubescent girl. And it's really creepy and I feel

For what it's worth, I recall an interview with Mary Tamm in which she said this was the story that convinced her to quit the show after only one year. According to her, this was the time that her role "devolved" from being the Hepburn-Tracy type dynamic (Romana being tecnically smarter than the Doctor though more

I'd like to add one more episode to this list - the "Twin Peaks" episode in which (SPOILERS!) Leland Palmer is revealed to be the murderer of his daughter Laura. The slow-motion sequence in which a Bob-possessed, raging Leland murders - brutally and slowly - Laura's lookalike cousin Madeleine (all while Laura's spacey