
Now I am picturing in my mind a Hanna-Barbara re-imagined version of "It Follows" : "It Follows…the Archies!" in which Archie gets into hilarious wacky hi-jinks as he perpetually try to elude a fatal encounter with the STD demon, and tries to pass "It" along to either Betty or Veronica. "Oh Brother!" Cue the

I vaguely remember watching "Monster Squad" as a tot. What I remember most about it was a villain in one particular episode was a man and a woman who accidentally got fused together, so that one side was the man and the other side was the woman. When the character is introduced, "he" is depicted speaking on the phone

The "big twist" that has been promised was basically….aw hell, EXACTLY what I expected it to be. Now we're watching AHS: Blair Witch Project. Big whoopee doo. Actually, I would have an easier time believing the idea of a haunted house plagued by the ghosts of a lost colony of pagan, human-sacrificing settlers and

Evan Peter will undoubtedly be revealed to be the TV show producer "interviewing" Lily Rabe and Andre Holland and the other actress. Finn Wittrock will likely be revealed as the camera man and Matt Bomer as the network exec who decides they need to spice up the "talking heads" format by sending a camera crew to the

To be fair, Mr. Clark has no way of knowing that Sheriff Hopper is helping them assemble the necessary equipment to put this tank together. He likely imagined the kids MIGHT think about assembling a sensory-deprivation tank for real, but once they learn they'd need 5,000 lbs of salt they would discard the plan and

Another 80s sci-fi homage (possibly): El's first trip to the "upside-down" world - nothing but her and her her perfect reflection in the midst of a jet-black void is very reminiscent of the "Doctor Who" serial "Kinda" scenes in which companion character Tegan visits the realm of the Mara: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

In keeping with the theme of homages to 1980s movies, I have thought that the monster was more inspired by Pumpkinhead, who was actually late 80s (not 1983 when the series is set), but still more contemporary with it than either Slender or Pale Men.

Jonathan's musical tastes — In addition to the obvious anachronism of knowing about the Smiths, I think it was a little weird for him to be name-checking Television among his favorite bands, or even playing the Clash.
I was a young teenager in 1983. I knew about the Clash (even saw them twice), but that was because I

This Pokemon craze reminds me of that godawful Star Trek episode where everyone becomes addicted to the headset video game. The worst thing about is that makes me the. Wesley Crushed character. Gah!

She was part of an ensemble sketch about inept, useless superheroes. Brad Hall was a guy who could shoot staples, Tim Kazurinski could rewind time, but for only ten seconds. Julia was a news weather reporter who, due to a "freak radioactive accident" had the ability to change the temperature by about five degrees.

Night in the City

"Tweet about Trump supporter being beaten turned out to be fake…." That's a desperate effort to deflect blame if ever there was one. No, the tweet that YOU posted was NOT WHAT YOU SAID IT WAS. And now that you got busted, you are acting as if you were somehow bamboozled yourself.

And he clobbered Superman in the ring in one of DC's late 70s oversized tabloid editions. It's where I first heard of him.

And it must be said - Felix with no shirt on, dayum!

"Duko’s quick recovery from Art beating him up almost seemed like a continuity error. He didn’t even have any visible bruises when he showed up at Alison’s house, despite getting hit in the face repeatedly."
That wasn't Duko who showed up to arrest Donnie. That was his clone! There are Duko clones!

I don't think there was any master plan involved with Don that was worked out long in advance of the operation. The whole thing seemed a little bit done on the fly. I think originally the Directorate scope people out, maybe pegged Don as a milquetoast who could be pushed around, and ordered Elizabeth to wheedle her

This episode always struck me as a potential backdoor pilot for a spin-off series: the unflappable, urbane Jennifer gives up her secretary job and moves to a wacky suburban neighborhood.

All Cosima's and Scott's data was instantly wiped out. Evie has the only hard-drive with the research. Gee…a computer hacker might come in handy; someone who could hack into large conglomerate mainframes; someone crafty and sneaky who could retrieve it out of Evie's systems….*cough*(MK)*cough* …excuse me…

Mercury is never IN retrograde. Occasionally, Mercury IS retrograde though.

"Inside, outside, upside, down…
You got me going round and round…
Backwards, forwards, sideways too…
You got me list'n', I'm in love with you.
"Don't you know that I / love you?
But I don't know what / to do.
You got to me, now can't you see
I've got to get to you???"