
"Downton Abbey tends to shy from realistic portrayals of contemporary bigotry, endowing its main characters with attitudes more aligned with modern viewers than with inhabitants of early 20th century Yorkshire. "

I just watched the first season of this show, and haven't seen any of the new episodes yet. But just going by classic comic book SHIELD history, I will make a bet that if there's another shadowy agency being worked into the story line it is likely the Zodiac cartel. Look for Scorpio to be revealed as a Big Bad soon

I haven't watched this yet, but just based on the promo picture above, all she needs is a 'lone ranger' style eye-mask and she could be the Blonde Phantom (one of Marvel/Timely's late 40s spate of superheroines.) Does she become the Blonde Phantom? Oh please, oh please say yes!

Signs that this movie was made in the 1970s: Olivia Hussey, the nominal heroine of the story, is pregnant but makes clear from the get-go to her boyfriend that she's going to have an abortion. While she doesn't get a chance to go through with it, she holds fast to that decision, never wavering or considering keeping

In the flashback sequence, the Reverend looks over at the Hells Angel chalking a pool-stick. Is that a subtle reference to another not-so-merry December event - the disastrous Altamont concert?

"Lord Edgeware Dies" is my favorite Christie novel not mentioned above. I'd also recommend the Terrance & Tuppence shorts for easy light reading.

Now I want to see the inevitable sequel video in which somebody morphs every single one of the companions together…

Ah! We must be telepathically linked this morning.

I remember EVERY KID on the bus after school talking about this movie for weeks, or at least that ending, :after it came out. (I must have been in fifth grade at the time.) Actually one image that really creeped me out was the scene in which Anthony Perkins rips the face mask off the "robot", revealing that it - and

It's a funny comment in how the music industry changed over time in that Kim Carnes and Steve Perry (formerly of Journey by this time) are big enough names to merit getting solos, but Bette Midler was relegated to the chorus. Nowadays, Bette is still a household name and a big concert draw. Kim Carnes and Steve Perry

My favorite version of this song is by a the old homeless guy who rides the A train in Manhattan btwn 59th and 125th streets. He really belts this song out as he's passing the hat around.

Stritch, who famously lived in a suite in Manhattan's Carlisle Hotel for decades, actually made the news several months back when she checked out of the Carlisle and moved back to Detroit. Thus, she now embodies every long-time New Yorkers' deepest fear - leave the city and move back to your hometown and you'll die

I think that interspersed somewhere among the "Key to Time" serial reviews ought to be a review of that other "epic" search for pieces of a missing key that took the Doctor and co. to various adventures in various locales - the Keys of Marinus! You haven't reviewed that yet. Sure, there's probably a reason for that,

This reminds me of the 2004 RNC when the Powers That Be used The Guess Who's "American Woman" as the theme music for Laura Bush when she gave her speech. Obviously, the PTB intended to suggest that Mrs. Bush was a strong, ferocious "American Woman." Just as obviously, nobody ever bothered to listen to the actual

Regarding Tony' hair and fake beard and somewhat feminine appearance, we don't know how far along he is in his transitioning stage. If he is near the beginning stages of transitioning (i.e. physically changing his gender), then it wouldn't be all that unusual for him to still have his old 'female' hair, or even glue

I wanted to write this as a separate comment as my last one seemed to be going too long. I just wanted to point out that there was one significant "time jump" that you missed : in "Doctor Who", the good Doctor takes his new companion Rose on a pair of adventures that (from Rose's POV) a few days at most. When the Time

Based on this list, it seems that the time jump became popular because producers think it is a more plausible form of SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome), and therefore they can write in pregnancy storylines without having to deal with the babies afterwards.

So I've been a little lax about keeping up with discussions, so I don't know if this topic has been broached yet. But, does anybody else think that (with one episode to go) a big reveal might that Jared's family were murdered by…Jared himself?

I had a friend in high school who became a born again Christian and would spout on about how "Jesus said homosexuality is a sin." When I would challenge that and say Jesus never even mentions the topic, she would laugh derisively and say "Of course he did. It's in the bible!" I would ask her to point out where Jesus

But Felix - Lord love 'im - has no ass.