Malkovich Malkovich

Can we talk about Assassin's Creed: Black Flag here? I know it was on part 1, but all the commenters are on this article today, I would assume.

I also have two Disqus accounts with the same name. One has an avatar, the other doesn't, but I never know which one will show up. So every time I comment I get to play a fun game of Malkovich roulette!

Was there a satisfying payoff to the spaceship parts and note scraps? I stumbled across a few at random, but the thought of scouring the entire giant map to find all 30 or 50 or however many of them sounded like tedious, arbitrary busywork to me.

I didn't encounter too many mountain lions, except when hunting. But they were a huge pain in the ass then, because it's a one-hit kill and then it kicks you out to the nearest hospital, rather than just letting you restart the hunt.

Probably true. Ken Jennings talks about that in Brainiac - if you ring in too early, you get locked out for a second, so you have to master the timing and hit that sweet spot.

That's got to be the easiest final I've ever seen. Granted, I'm a big football fan but I think everyone is familiar with the idea of a Hail Mary as a last-second, desperate attempt at something.

Oh definitely. I almost didn't play it because I'm so sick of zombie things being everywhere these days. But I'm glad I got over that hangup, because it was amazing on so many levels.

He played Calvin Johnson?!

He's brilliant in everything, but mo-cap performances probably deserve their own inventory.

Yeah, that movie needs to be made yesterday, preferably with Michael Stuhlbarg as the lead.

You should be able to watch it OnDemand. I just caught up with it that way a couple weeks ago.

My goodness, The Road is brilliant. Definitely not a breezy read though - there are still passages that haunt me all these years later.

That's been on my list for a while now. I should probably finally give it a shot.

60% into Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings. It was a little slow and hard to follow at first, but it's definitely starting to pick up steam. It's my first by Sanderson, but so far I dig his writing style and imagination.

Sounds like fun. I should probably try it since I can get it for free from PS+

That is moderately obnoxious, but thanks for the explanation.

Sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam all over the place since the redesign, but how does one see their notifications these days?

(scowling) We wove hats out of palm fronds. I've never been happier.

The A.V. Club

Didn't Fox also pick up John Mullaney's pilot? And I seem to remember reading here that Nasim Pedrad is involved in that, so there's another talented, ethnically diverse person on Fox.