Malkovich Malkovich

Well, they have to keep Daniel Tosh in V-necks.

Good news, everybody!

The world needs more Colbert, not less.

Otherwise Zaltzman will be Russian to find a viable replacement host.

Am I the only one who finds Jessica Williams really annoying?

Boner Time wondering if he's become too perverted for his own good? We're through the looking glass here, people!

Yeah, I used to have a car commute and podcasts were the only thing keeping me sane in the merciless Seattle traffic. Now I commute by foot / bus, so I don't listen nearly as much anymore.

Hmm, that's a good point. I thought you were only referring to his workload, but there does seem to be some redundancy thereā€¦

Agreed. Observe the way Colbert wears a suit vs. the way Jon Stewart wears one. No contest.

Sepinwall flat-out confirms that he's leaving:

Why would you assume that? If he could still do the Bugle as full-time Daily Show host, I don't see why he couldn't keep going now.

I'm just catching up on Orphan Black and falling madly in love with Ms. Maslany, so this is very welcome news to me indeed.

I'm with you there. And it just so happens the streaming services only have three tracks from this available anyway, so it makes my decision even easier.

White lady dreads.

Not a bad comparison, but you do realize that New Zealand is not in Europe, right?

Yeah, that got the biggest laugh from me this episode. More physical comedy taking advantage of Merchant's awkward, gangly frame, please!

Yeah, it's been an underwhelming slate so far, but this one really sets a new low. The NBC Sunday night game seems to have taken a lot of Monday Night's cache.

Ooh, tough crowd.

And of course there's still South Park, but that's definitely well past its prime at this point.
