Malkovich Malkovich

Wait, so there's no timer on the final question of the round? I get that they don't have to make room for more questions, but you'd think they would want to avoid painfully awkward situations like that.

Normally a religious Jeopardy! viewer, but I missed this. What happened?

Yeah, we had as many total yards as Zac Stacy. But something something Russell Wilson, will to win, something something.

Well that was much closer than it should've been. The offensive line is a wreck. Exciting finish though!

I've never seen that, but it sounds hilarious. Does a link to that sketch exist somewhere on the internet?

I actually think they might be worse than the Jaguars. They have more talent, but are just so poorly coached and seem to be on the verge of giving up on the season. The Jags play hard, at least, and are more likely to win a game this year.

Flex schedule only applies to Sunday Night Football, actually. I guess the logistics of moving a couple games between days would be too complicated.

The MNF schedule has been pretty rough this year. Last week they had the 0-6 Giants vs. the 1-5 Vikings. At least this game features one good team.

It almost certainly has to be the smallest crowd in MNF history, right?

Plus we already know he screws upside down, and doesn't blow his stack, neither.

As a Jew from the Pacific Northwest, I understand approximately none of this joke. I feel left out…

Presumably the science bitch spoke actual Mandarin though, right? Did he have any noteworthy / hilarious lines?

Not to mention the Billie Jean-esque bass line on We Exist.

Yeah, Bowie's been a fan of theirs since the beginning. To wit:

I was confused about that too, but Wikipedia kinda sorta has an explanation:

He certainly cleans up well. Nice to see him bathed and successful for once.

Slowly but surely, O'Neal's snark machine will become the official editorial voice of the AV Club. This is not a bad thing.

Doris, are you doing Graceland?!

I still think Captain Phillips would've done better if they'd stuck with the original title, Captain Phillips of Mars.

By the way, how is Robin Williams not in that movie?!