Malkovich Malkovich

It was an old photograph.

Ken Jennings tweeted something this morning about the most awkward contestant interview moment ever, and it did not disappoint.

I never much cared for Colin Quinn, but that might just be because he replaced Norm McDonald, whom everybody knows is the best WU host of all time.

Have there been openly gay male cast members?


It's not that rare when people remarry and have multiple batches of kids. My dad was married twice, which results in having two brothers who are 17 and 19 years older than I am. 26 years is a pretty big gap, but I have no problem buying it, especially if Rapaport's character is supposed to in his late 30s.

Remus' family can go fuck itself!

Co-sign. Although as a Mariner fan, baseball is usually much too depressing for me to think about when October rolls around.

I've consistently been flummoxed by the intensity of Sounders support here. But their first season came right after the Sonics got got, so I think people were just depressed and decided to throw themselves into the New Thing. It didn't hurt that they were good right away. But if they fall on rough years and we get NBA

What's gimmicky about the stadium? It was built to amplify noise, which gives the team a legitimate competitive advantage. I don't understand why new stadiums built since haven't copied it - we're still seeing soulless mausoleums like the new stadium in Jersey which offer no homefield advantage at all.

Most definitely. I love football, but the majority of football fans are completely insufferable.

I agree with some of that; the pop culture stuff is pretty dire. But there's still a lot of smart analysis - Barnwell's NFL stuff and Jonah Keri's baseball columns are both really smart and insightful.

Clear History kind of felt like Curb Lite to me, but more Larry David is never a bad thing.

Or a person of North African descent.

A Twofer, if you will…

Yes, for the latter at least.

Also, how come Jimmy Fallon gets to keep the show in NYC, but poor Conan had to move to LA?

Strange Apparition, Soldier Jane…

I stopped watching The Office somewhere around season 5, but wasn't there supposed to be some kind of Dwight-centric spinoff?

Not to mention 6 glorious seasons of 30 Rock.