Malkovich Malkovich

It's weird, people will still talk up a movie based on Ford's participation. It happens all the time, and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. What was his last good movie? If we're being generous, it's Air Force One, 15 years ago. If not, probably The Fugitive in 1993.

If only someone would devise a rating system to prevent this from happening in the future…perhaps with a thumb raised triumphantly towards the sky, or pointed shamefully towards the ground.

I'm the Queen!

Speaking as a straight man, I think that's very unfair to JGL.

Lush Life has been on my list for a while, so I dig that recommendation. I also really liked Orphan Master's Son, although some of the Kim Jong-Il stuff was a bit silly.

Newer Kindles have a feature called X-Ray, which is mostly useless. But it would be helpful for those books, because you can call up bio information on characters without losing your place.

Wow, really? Mind blown! Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. It also seems like it has the potential to be a rehash of The Terror. It was amazing the first time, but could be diminishing returns.

I tried it once and gave up as well. Maybe I should give it another go. I've also read The Road, which is one of my all-time favorites, and No Country for Old Men, which was ok.

But do read The Terror.

Just finished: City of Thieves. Loved it. Also read The Son based on the effusive praise around here. I thought the Eli / Tietehti sections were incredible, and would love to read a whole book just about that. The rest of the stories left me a little cold though, unfortunately.

See also: Whale Song and Dirty Frank.

I found Backspacer pretty uninspired for the most part, although Unthought Known is pretty great despite the ridiculous title.

Not to mention the colossal 1-2 punch of Not for You and Tremor Christ. But I agree with the others here, there's too much "weirdness for weirdness' sake" filler to keep it from being an all-time great.

So I guess I'm going to be the sole Binaural defender here? It's definitely a step down from Yield, but Nothing as it Seems is a psychedelic gem, Insignificance and Grievance are excellent rockers, and there are some really good, weird deep cuts like Rival and Sleight of Hand.

I actually looked up the director of this episode halfway through, as I thought Hooper might've been doing a guest spot.

Was it just me, or were there an abnormal number of shots with the actors tucked away in the corners of the frame? Someone's clearly been watching The King's Speech…

I don't know, the finale returned to it an a potentially show-derailing way. I might wait until reviews of season 2 as a whole are out before deciding whether or not to keep going.

Wise move; I wish I had done the same. The acting and character stuff was still quite strong, but the revelation of the killer's identity and motivation was beyond ridiculous.

Thanks for that. Gives me a glimmer of hope in my lonely state of perpetual late-20s bachelordom.