Malkovich Malkovich

Hmm. I haven't seen the show yet this week, but I too fear change. Is it more or less jarring than when Trebek shaved the Trebekstache?

Ad fuckin' hoc. Free fuckin' gratis.

Indeed. How else could he have pulled Emilia Clarke?

Smerch has his own series starting soon on HBO called Hello Ladies, which looks absolutely hilarious.

There was some nice Breaking Bad-esque cinematography in the desert scenes in this episode, both when Ray and Charlotte meet Tim and again when Hastings meets Marco.

I saw a ham salad sandwich in the cold case at a gas station convenience store somewhere in Montana. I'd never heard of it before, but it looked a lot like tuna salad, only presumably made with ham instead of tuna. So, yeah.

Anybody see Odenkirk on The Daily Show last night? Somehow he looked ten years younger out of character, so they should be able to make it work.

Hopefully we get a season or two of his adventures in law school at the University of American Samoa.

Agreed, although I mostly blame AMC for keeping up this charade of it being one bisected season.

Don't forget roof pizza!

I flipped over to the NYG-DAL game, but even football seems bland and pointless after that.

Yeah, but you don't have to wait a week in between chapters.

Not for me. I had a giant grin in my face during that scene. Of course, it all went to shit a moment later, but I felt a fleeting moment of cathartic joy.

And then the aforementioned billboard is seen in the background during Walt and Saul's conversation outside. Nice touch.

I don't think so. As far as I can remember, Johnny is the only cousin. Devil was just one of Boyd's goons.


Yeah, this past season of Mad Men got surprisingly violent.

A few more good time-killing internet tips:

As long as it's not fucking Macklemore, I'm happy with Louie Louie as our song.

Will Archer and Louie be on FXX as well when their new seasons are ready?