Concrete Donkey

I disagree. This is a notoriously thin-skinned asshole who somehow thought being president would legitamize him, because he doesn't realize that the president is the most hated man in America. I bet he just fucking seethes when he sees that nobody gives a shit. Make it as infantile as possible, because THAT'S what

Trump likes Russian prostitutes to pee in his mouth while he sleeps in the Obamas' bed!

Oh man I'd love that opportunity.
"Ok Paul, tighten up! Tighten up! Ready? Ready?"
"Ha ha! You didn't expect the second one, didja! Ha ha! What? What's that? Oh… yeah I went a little low and gotcha in the liver. Sorry. Yes, you're right, we probably should call an ambulance. I'll uuhh… be right back."

Trump is one of those people who doesn't have pets because they're wasteful (and you have to care about them). Serious, the guy never had a pet. Absolute scoundrel.

Because it's the worst thing we could think of!

Volume swell can make it sound like you're playing backwards!
Cool effect too. I wish I was better at implementing off-the-board techniques. Shit I just wish I was better overall.

Well I feel extra bad because I've been pricklier than necessary (is it really ever necessary?) to you before, and that's an online behavior that I really dislike in myself and strive to avoid.

Fair! I figure I could sell off CC's pink Warlocks and get a knock off of Prince's whatever that thing is guitar made.

Interestingly enough, the article's thesis is that they aren't very different, and shaming and looking down on them only empowers them.

You and @avclub-fa7fdeb5c05b708e5614c7e8cdb1c34d:disqus can work on Neilsen. I'll work on CC DeVille. I'm not really a BC Rich guy (those frets are just too fat) but there's gotta be some winners in there.

'sup, Rock?

Ok that's fuckin funny.

You're right, I was needlessly cranky, and I apologize. Nothing I'm actually cranky about is your (or Star Wars') fault and it's not fair of me. In my defense, I refrained from making a "so it's about ethics in the narrative consistency of Star Wars?" joke, because that would have been totally over the line and I'd be

I'll never forget it, due to how lousy of an experience it was.

Just got back from the gym (fuckin squat day) and I'm about to!

It's probably superheated by definition. But that's the way I hear it put most often. I'm not willing to get into hard physics with the topic because A) it's not my field, and B) it's not Star Wars' field either.

Yeah no shit. We've covered this before, but I have the Peavey version of the same thing. Something like 400 presets. I've spent hours cycling through them and saving them to empty slots at the front of the line for easy switching. Of course I only really use like eight. Perfect Fifth, I'll find a use for you yet!

Oh my gawd! Ok I can't do it now, but I should be able to get through a single article before I have to force-shutdown and reboot. That's infuriating when you're just trying to get through your coffee, but if I go in knowing what's gonna happen, well… shit, WORTH IT. Thanks for sharing that!

It's really amazing how many good fitness resources are available now. Granted, lots of shit ones too as per Sturgeon, but hey.

I follow a number of fitness people on youtube, but probably a different sort.
My top three are Brian Alsruhe from neversate.com, Alan Thrall of Untamed Strength, and the BUFF DUDES (two cheesy body builder brothers with a great sense of humor… their Trump impression is on point). The BUFF DUDES do great eats too.