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    hey ajr, if you're going to be in philly, take the old lady to carman's country kitchen for breakfast. usually no scrapple on the menu, but stellar food nonetheless.

    i worked in a wine bar that offered popcorn that had been popped in truffle oil as a bar snack. pricey to make yourself, but goddam is it tasty.

    try this people: get a really high quality, naturally aged/mouldered salami from a reputable salumeria, bake slices of it for 5-8 minutes, let them cool and crisp up, then put them on a scrambled egg and cheese bagel. you will thank me.

    …with flour tortillas…



    hey ljo, that's exactly why my parents stopped going there in the 70's, and why I havent been there since 2000. just full of tourists and ties. no fun. doesnt matter that the wench brings 10 light and 10 dark in one trip. we can buy the dark in bottles.

    try making french toast with tortillas. same recipe, different starch. and sprinkle kosher salt on them at the end with the syrup. holy fuck.

    no dice, unicyclist, but nice try.

    dipping a beautifully crusty bread in ice-cold milk (like a donut & coffee sort of experience) is one of my favourite pleasures. very primal. milk and bread have gotta be our oldest foods.

    go for it fidel. i dont know where you live, but your best bet for finding nutritional yeast is in the bulk grain section of your local schmantzy grocery (whole foods and the like). never seen it on the shelves. also, get yourself a bigass wok for popping. works much better than pots etc in my experience.

    my mistake, ma'am.

    hey rock, my dad used to eat at mcsorely's pub in manhattan in the sixties, and that was the house special. stinky irish cheddar and onion, with sawdust and cats everywhere. that place is pretty well scrubbed now, but the beer is still good.

    the only thing those wannabe amish are good for are whoopie pies, mr car.

    lived in philly for 10 years. never had scrapple. gotta call it something else first before i try it.

    im with ya binky. a freaky chick from california turned me on to nutritional yeasted popcorn years ago, and its great. weirdly tangy and salty at the same time, but still delicious. but dont bother with the oil mister, son; just use pam. that chicks name was greta. great name.

    try it
    peanut butter and cheez-its on rye. awesome.

    i really like cheez-its.

    ok, all done.

    never read any dickens. which book, zarnak?