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    you sure it wasn't Carrington Nigel Vilmont III?

    trailer needs more Amon Amarth. well, everything else does too.

    Excellent screenshot
    saved me the trouble of watching the trailer.

    Jesus, Sean: you see fit to devote 2 out of 3 paragraphs to descriptions of movies, but you fail to mention "The Redemption of General Butt Naked"??? Isn't the title alone worthy of mention?

    Hey Mr. Pierce,

    ah. thanks mr. neophyte.

    hey miller, what's a "GtG"? i googled all that, looking for payback hate, and came up empty.

    just an interesting tidbit for you from imdb: the chick who played the lead in the original was buster keaton's granddaughter, and the next movie that she did after this was the gloriously-named 'kung fu cannibals', in which she originated the role of "girl in toilet".

    For all those who, like me, greatly appreciate both Bad Religion's new AND classic material; and who would like to altogether avoid the ubiquitous 'not punk enough' discussions, I just want you to know that you are not alone.

    well, never mind. Someone already did this in the time it took me to post this.

    I know someone already gave a brief spoiler here, but would anyone care to go into a bit more detail, plot-wise? Why, How…that sort of thing.

    just seeing if the comments are working…

    Yay! It worked! Thanks Mr. Squirts!

    Hm, well… I guess it seemed pretty obscure when it first came out, in that no one else I spoke to at the time seemed to have heard of them. Never played Road Rash, didn't manage to catch every episode of Beavis, and it didn't occur to me that I would have to do any sort of research on Wikipedia in order to make a

    I happen to like Sugar Ray's first album quite a bit, thank you very much. I was lucky enough to have an older brother who was often on the forefront of obscure stuff like this (lord knows how HE found them while at the Univ of Pittsburgh in the 90's), and I've loved it ever since. It's super-riffy and juvenile

    neat follow-up
    I think Punishingly Arbitrary Retard is a great name for a band.

    It doesn't happen often, but I love it when you're skimming a text and suddenly you read a word incorrectly - just replace 1 or 2 letters and it's a completely new word - and the incorrect word actually fits and lends new perspective to the sentence.

    I'm quite comfortable expounding my affection for Def Leppard's "Switch 625", thank you very much.

    I normally don't like to engage in "No, my opinions matter - your opinions all suck"-type debates, but no one else seems to be sticking up for the first 3 Muppet Movies. Maybe it's a generational thing.
