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    @ Peter F

    That's not quite correct, Heche. A quick glance at ANY of the imdb comment boards only inspires the latter. They're part of the reason I'm a 30 year old codger who hates those pesky teenagers.

    "I never really listen to my Fiery Furnaces records, but I can't get rid of them either. There's too much imagination and well-intentioned tinkering charging up their music, and I feel like one day I'll catch up to it. Very few bands can deliver an experience that's completely unlike any other, but The Fiery Furnaces

    Oh, and Adrienne Barbeau's tits are great.

    Thanks Guvna. That second paragrpah explained EXACTLY how I felt. Indeed, I was expecting a balls-out action flick - coupled with Carpenter's wit and camp sensibility - and it therefore seemed lackluster compared to my expectations. I'll have to watch it again with different glasses on.

    Didn't get Escape From New York
    I consider myself a fan of Carpenter's work - I think The Thing, Halloween, and Big Trouble are brilliant in their own way - but I'm having trouble understanding the cult appeal of Escape from NY.

    @last!: I humbly retract my snarky assesment of the use of the word "internets". I honestly had no idea that The Great Bush was it's originator (I have been living under a fairly large rock (China) for the past year, and sometimes these golden little info-nuggets slip right by me).

    non comment
    I've never seen this movie, nor do I plan to. I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring and make a plea for sanity. I usually enjoy reading the comment threads, but too many of you have been pluralizing the word "internet" lately, and it's irritating.

    Mr. Murray
    "In fact, Newhart's season two was a near-reboot, with two major characters replaced, and a switch from videotape to film.)"

    not a pop song, I know…
    I've always wanted the same music that Salieri's dad had at his funeral. It's purty.

    and more…

    Ummm…for some reason, my last comment posted backwards. What the fuck is up with Explorer?


    To be fair, it doesn't seem that Nathan is really praising Forrest Gump, only that it had a significant cultural impact.

    Great list.

    Actually, I just recalled that he did some non-comedic acting in the later seasons of The West Wing, and that he did a mighty fine job (as usual).

    Night Court
    I have seen every episode of Night Court (for some reason), and I very clearly remember Stephen Root playing a guy who convinced everyone that he was the Angel of Death. He was locked up for contempt, and as long as he stayed in the cell, no one in New York died. Although I have not seen that episode in

    Why is everyone shitting on "Cars" all of a sudden (not that I'm saying that you feel this way, Emily)? This may be the 4th or 5th reference to this that I've read in recent weeks.

    True. I actually picked up a pristine DVD of American Gangster about 2 weeks before it officially came out in the States, and it wasn't even a screener (with the scrolling "This is property of…" message), nor was it one of those crappy camera-in-the-theater things. Pretty weird.

    Let's just get it over with
    To all the above AVC writers: