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    Hooray for UCB references! More! More!

    Ditto. When I saw the title, I expected Die Hard to be somewhere on the little.

    Starscream - I can respect your opinion. I don't even think Amnesiac is Radiohead's best album, but saying that I Get Wet is better than Amnesiac is like saying coffee is better than beef. WAY to different to compare. I like these albums for completely different reasons.

    Why bother? I just figured that he would simply enjoy the scratchy tickle of my beard on the inside of his thighs, and that is young, lucious mouth would tremble everytime I gently licked his astonishingly enormous balls.

    can't even remember breakfast
    I can barely remember what came out in 2001, but here's a small sample of what I was listening to:

    and mine
    New Maximum Donkey is a fucking great band with a name that I thought might be on this list.

    Ah, touche.

    weird fishes
    I was pleased to see that Andy Battaglia mentioned Weird Fishes as one of his 30 best songs. That's my favorite track on In Rainbows, and nobody seems to be mentioning it.

    Jesus christ what a bunch of fucking crybabies.

    Just in case anybody is still following this particular thread, I highly recommend checking out the Bach Choir of Bethlehem's "Christmas in Bethlehem Vol 1." Their version of "Silent Night" - sung in the original German, with all 4 verses - is one of the most gorgeous things I've ever heard. An overplayed carole?

    Starzz, I grew up in Bethlehem, PA, the (self-proclaimed) "Christmas City" and home of Count von Zinzendorf.

    Faux experiences
    In addition to recording "fragments of time that even people who lived through them don't always recall", pop culture - Christmas Music inparticular - can have the effect of creating an experience that you've never really had to begin with!

    Was that an Upright Citizen's Brigade reference, Rich? If so, well done. The world needs more UCB.

    Peeps are actually manufactured in my hometown of Bethlehem, PA. Yay us!

    Yes, yes…we're all impressed that you know how to use a thesaurus.

    Question answered?
    Anyone else notice that he didn't even TRY to answer the first question? I know that this guy is probably doing a lot of interviews lately, but c'mon!

    Yeah, NPR is SO uncool! LOLZ!!! Well-informed adults are, like, SO boring!!!

    Why the Aaron Sorkin Bashing?
    I like his writing! The West Wing is a great show!

    Hello Asswipe:

    Hey Trevor
    What exactly does it mean when songs "…never earn their space"?