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    …Another classic moment that the movie failed to deliver:

    OK. I can understand if you find the book distasteful, mysoginistic, witless, or - simply put - bad writing. We're all aware of the shitstorm that this book's publication caused. But BORING??? Yes, I will admit that there are many valid reasons that one could find this book to be "bad", but never dull.

    American Psycho
    Years before Christian Bale became part of this, I remember hearing a rumor that Leonardo DiCaprio was attached to play the lead in a movie adaptation of this book. My first reaction was the same as everyone else's: How on EARTH are they going to make a movie that is at ALL faithful to the book!?!?!?!

    I'm glad Noel mentioned how the final chase scene was actually somewhat scary. Right after she bursts into Jasons shack in the woods, the camera lingers on her as she takes in her surroundings. But in that same shot you can also see out the window behind her, and then HERE COMES JASON running toward the shack in the

    Part 2
    I've always thought that the second installment was always the scariest and most well-made. That potato sack on the head with the single eye hole always creeped me the fuck out. Installments 3-3,000 were fairly tame from then on…

    You sound like you've got a lot to say! Could you please give me the address of YOUR incredibly well-written pop culture website?

    choose the form…
    "gummi medium is clearly reaching new levels of ambition with the "make your own" series, which invites gourmet gummi consumers to choose the form of their destruction by placing various candies on a gummi base."

    let's try that again…
    1. "Brakes On" - Air
    2. "Rag Doll" - Aerosmith
    3. "Mouth For War" - Pantera

    my 2 cents

    Don't we all.

    maple syrup

    Preparation Heche, that made me laugh so hard that I'll be cleaning the crumbs off my keyboard for days! Well done, sir (or madam?).

    I also think that the scene, filmed from above, of Keanu and Lori in bed (where he is stroking her arm that is draped across him) is a surprisingly touching, well-made cinematic moment. I guess it benefits from the fact that keanu isn't speaking.

    I am proud to admit that I fell in love with this movie when I was in high school (around '94-'95), and that I was too immature to tell the difference between Bodhi's "philosophising" and bullshit.