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    Describing yourself with the same adjective often used to describe room-temperature water automatically disqualifies you from being able to hand out ownage points.

    this is wonderful
    Holy shit Wolfman Johnathan, that fucking yelp page is amazing. So can anyone just establish a Yelp page, or did the comedians get special permission to do this?

    relax, i'm right here.


    jesus, does that mercedes count as "old" now? that thing is from the mid 90's, i believe. when you wrote "super old" i got all excited to see some classic relic. for pete's sake, mercedes has been making cars for over a century, woman.

    an open compliment to the avclub staff
    just in case you guys are scrolling through these comments, I wanted to let you know that i really appreciate these primers. they're very helpful and informative, which is obviously the point.

    i feel your pain, dominic. i ushered in 1996-1997, and had to clean up after every showing of titanic and listen to that goddamn celine dion song over and over and over again as it played during the credits. i know every word of that fucking song. and that movie was still selling tickets and turning a profit almost

    no worries, naturalblues. i'm just overly defensive. it goes along with this stuffy, overeducated avatar that i've adopted here.

    i felt similarly. i too am at columbia at the moment doing non-creative grad work, and the frantic, competitive, post-grad scramble for employment is certainly thick in the air, so that article really hit home for me.

    no need to be brusque. i find myself coming to this site fairly often, and I didn't really care enough to scour the internet for this info.

    the lost colony
    my family vacationed on the outer banks every year for almost 2 decades, and I therefore grew up hearing the tale of the lost colony of roanoke. i concur that a movie about a repetition of this phenomenon would be splendid. too bad this premise appears to be enveloped by poop in this particular case.

    For those who might like to dig a bit deeper, another commenter (on the film trailers portion of this site) drew my attention to this dismantling of the james frey publishing machine that birthed this movie:

    anyone care to elucidate the twists and turns of this movie for those of us who don't really plan to see this (and/or can't stand january jones)? thanks in advance.


    Son, there is no need to keep reiterating your ignorance of trance metal. don't worry, now we all know what a sophisticated connoisseur of quality metal you are. asking what trance metal is, when there are clear descriptions and examples given, is just silly. you should know better.

    who? me or lemmy? I liked it, seriously.

    lemmy's not going to be pleased with this guy for once again lumping motorhead in with other metal acts, instead of in punkville where lemmy wants it. i imagine he will use a groupie to beat mr galbraith to death in the near future.

    yeah, that's just one of many pictures that show up if you image-google "necrotizing fasciitis". the results from that search were breathtaking in the most horrifying sense.

    Sticky Fingers
    Fuck yes. I was born in 1977, so much of what Mr. Hyden's been writing lately has been right up my alley. I was a little late to the Rolling Stones party, however. I had no idea why Keith Richards was so revered until I heard the opening lines of Can't You Hear Me Knocking. Absolute perfection.

    drinky, i was under the impression that swine and apples have been a happily married couple since swine and apples were invented. let's not go giving the bradys any more credit than is necessary.