
looks like a can of jellied cranberry sauce

looks like a can of jellied cranberry sauce

Whats nice about Libya is we helped them change regimes & so far we've only lost 4 Americans in the process.

Whats nice about Libya is we helped them change regimes & so far we've only lost 4 Americans in the process.



All I'm saying is I thought there were 3 better balance beam performances. I have no interest in learning more about their scoring system. Our team just seemed like jerks. That was the vibe I got with the sound off.

All I'm saying is I thought there were 3 better balance beam performances. I have no interest in learning more about their scoring system. Our team just seemed like jerks. That was the vibe I got with the sound off.

The balance beam protest was the most obnoxious thing I've seen yet in these olympics. That routine was obviously not medal-worthy. Also, I realize these re-caps are meant to cover NBC's entire presentation but my friendly advice to anybody who is constantly annoyed by Costas & the announcers is to mute the TV and

The balance beam protest was the most obnoxious thing I've seen yet in these olympics. That routine was obviously not medal-worthy. Also, I realize these re-caps are meant to cover NBC's entire presentation but my friendly advice to anybody who is constantly annoyed by Costas & the announcers is to mute the TV and

Money must be better for screenwriters? I, for one, wish he was still writing novels. I thought "The Tesserect" was decent.

Money must be better for screenwriters? I, for one, wish he was still writing novels. I thought "The Tesserect" was decent.

Exactly. Stop the presses!! Dane Cook sucks. Comedians that aren't as successful as Dane Cook think he sucks. Newsflash: people get bumped by bigger name comics all the time. I don't like Cook but this reeks of sour grapes.

You said it bfred. I can get any score I want by tapping my smartphone a couple times. The Bottomline's time has passed.  At the very least they could just run it a couple times an hour like they used to.  The screen would look so much cleaner if they'd drop it. Especially on Sunday nights when I involuntarily have

I loved Pineapple Express. This looks like a future cult classic that everybody shits on initially but ends up loved by a certain percentage. I know I'll take my chances w/ a fatty & a matinee tomorrow.

Headline of this article should read "Warner Bros wants you to think the MPAA doesn't want you to see The Hangover II trailer"

Totally, Lawdog. I used to GM a JimmyJohns. Chipotle seems like the same idea. You can pretty much run the whole place from that one spot where the custy places the order. Didn't look like the contestants had any training at all. I'd be surprised if those people weren't eating for free as some promo.

I remember being very disappointed with Dreamcatcher overall. Might be good for younger King readers with the be nice to tards message and the comedy of the shit-weasels. In contast, I think Duma Key is the most under-rated recent King novel. I'm hoping the second Florida novel is not too far off. The great line

Bummer. That was the best firstie I ever seen for about 5 seconds.

Got me sportin' mad wood just looking at it.