
This idea seems like a safe bet. I would bet we see the item fairly early on in movie 1.

I think that book 1 was the most revised one. The newer version adds 9000 words and I don't see much evidence of further revisions in books 2&3. My advice to anyone wanting to start this story was always to either plow through the first book as best you could or say fuckit and start with The Drawing of the Three and

For the record I haven't even seen "The Fighter" but it sounds like Wahlberg's character in that has similar brother issues as Eddie Dean.

For some reason I've been thinking Mark Wahlberg for Eddie lately. Probably too old and ripped, but seems like the right attitude.

If you're talking James Ellroy, my vote is for "American Tabloid". The dedication pre-chapter 1 sets the right tone. I've probably turned more people on to this book than any other.

This club seems tailor-made for some Robbins. I vote for "Jitterbug Perfume" or "Fierce Invalids"

"A Drink Before the War" can be skipped but is still highly readable. Although I don't think of Lehane and Lee Child being exactly right for this club, I also recommend any of Child's Jack Reacher series.

I second "Fierce Invalids", and I thank Switters for making me think of it every time I see a post of his.

Someone mentioned Lethem, so I suggest "Fortress of Solitude"


"You Can't Always Get What You Want" was what popped into my head.

"One From The Vault"
The album that I refused to return to my friend until I bought my own copy. The sequel, "Two…" also rules.

So far, Modell makes the strongest argument. That's what Obama looks like in about half his photos anyway. Fuck the AP.