
And George Lucas stopped making Star Wars movies in 1985. If we just believe enough, we can make it true…

Never go with a Rory to a second location.

I'd love to see that Saunders interview - is it online?

So this is basically the Naked Gun title sequence but slower and without the siren or the body count?

I couldn't get past the whole "X would have to traipse through Y to get to Z" thing of the train design - it just seemed really transparently stupid and was never addressed. Like the kids have to wander through a nightclub every day to get to school?

Yeah, I thought that too. It looks like it is the same font, tho, and it's just the all caps-iness throwing us.

They really missed a trick not just calling it G'eau de Toilette.

Dammit, Jim, I'm here to fix the cable!

"Good", "Great", "I liked it", "Astonishing", "Hello?", "Indubitably!", "Profound", "Gut-wrenching", "Hotdogs", "Lenny Kravitz", "Meep."

That particular shot would have made for terrible videogame graphics A DECADE AGO. This is seriously some of the ropiest CGI I've ever seen in a movie trailer.

I'd double down on Blomkamp and say it was all down the hill after Alive in Joburg…

Promising directors who totally shit the bed after one good feature and never recaptured it: Discuss.

Yeah, Source Code was bollocks.
And Gyllenhaal straight up murders that guy at the end.


"budget constraints, shooting to tape rather than celluloid."
Hate to be that guy, but there's no way the '97 Shining wasn't shot on celluloid.

Now THAT would be a plot twist I would enjoy.

Yay. Just what this show needs, a second toddler to add nothing to the show whatsoever.

Yup. They would have been almost comically easy to 'surmount'. A failure of the location manager to not source a more convincing 'help, we're screwed!' location…

I'm eating a doughnut and I hear someone in the distance yelling that they've got a doughnut I could potentially eat, if I came all the way over there. I'm gonna drop this doughnut in my hand and head over there? No. All decisions are secondary to me finishing Doughnut #1.

Gunfire's not going to lure zombies away from a meal they've already begun…