
Does playing dead help, though? Literally every meal I have ever eaten could have been playing dead, and it still got ate.

The entrails were definitely not Glenn's, unless his intestines are in his chest. Which would be weird.

Yup. When they were titting about at the crossroads, I was yelling 'there's a staircase to a rooftop RIGHT THERE, guys…' It reappears in the next scene but a thoughtful production designer has put some crap in front of it as if that's an impediment to it being a viable (albeit temporary) escape route.

That's still the longest-running plot hole in this show.
Everyone knows being covered in blood keeps the zombies away, so 90% of the show should be the characters daubing themselves in gore, and the other 10% them chatting about how much they miss watching baseball or something…

Weirdly, I never read the man in the 'how could I stand and laugh with the man?' bit to be the narrator's dad. I always took it to be about having a beer with your ex and the guy who's fucking her better than you ever could.

"That looks like an own-brand Joan Cusack", says I to the girlfriend, of the judge character. Sure enough, the credits roll, and it turns out there's a THIRD Cusack sibling, beyond Joan and John. Who knew?!

"The initial investment was about $200,000. The budget with everybody actually being paid was about $450,000. With the movie and the soundtrack and everything we’ve been able to do with it, we made over $3 million. […] And I’m getting the most, because I’m the studio."

Wow, that Begin Again live performance is a fucking disaster.

I always wondered what he did when he wasn't hitting Michael.

It's the latter.

Wow, that looks shite…

Taxman should really be in there…
A multi-millionaire whining about being in the top tax bracket. Get to fuck, George.

I've got this comment on vinyl.

If that's a Tenenbaums reference, I have a two-part question…