Professor Lemonade

I don't know — what's in with you?

You lyin'! You ain't never met Martin Luther The King!

That's what you come up with? Tcch. Great job, 'Great Job, Internet.'

Hnnh. My question is just who asked for a remake of 'Beaches,' of all things?

This morning, my boss sent out an email telling us they're hiring for a new position, one where you can work from home and "perform the job duties virtually."

The cloak used to be his grandfather's, when he served as a Roundhead? Will it show him first acquiring Concord? I would watch that.

UGH. Why? Why, why, WHY?!

Unfilmable. And kind of a tiresome book, too. No, you know what they SHOULD make a movie of? 'Starship Troopers.' I await plaudits for this notion.

I must be an idiot. Instead of all the dicking around with the catering van and the ducking in and out of basements, why didn't they just CALL AN AMBULANCE?

Are you thinking of 'Wilson'? I'd skip it, it's pretty dull and hagiographic.

Revolution is a rising up against the legal authority, and is therefore de facto illegal. All revolutions are illegal by definition.

"Great"? I remember pretty pitchers…and that was about it. Disjointed, soulless puzzles that didn't flow from the story. It made out that gameplay had advanced, but it was just one more game making you solve the Towers of Goddamn Hanoi.

Contempt for the French is encoded in the language; all the English speaking peoples understand it instinctively. It's why, no matter else happens, Britain and America will always have a special relationship.

"The revival of the teaching of civil authority"?

Ditto, I've never seen Impromptu.

Nah. He was washing lettuce.


I've never been able to stand Felicity. Her arch line delivery and her forced "Did I really say that?" shtick. I always felt like they were trying to shove her down my throat.

And why not? Sometimes you don't want to settle in with a volume of Proust and a tawny port, you want to turn your brain off. Why begrudge the cattle their feed?

THREE actors. Sorry. It's too early and we're out of coffee.