Professor Lemonade

How can you count her turn as a character as definitive when NO ONE has actually seen the movie? Lazy.

You can't have two actors be the de facto version of the same character, especially when they played him contemporaneously.

3 Pitch 3 Perfect.

A machete is cooler than a proton pack and "the greatest samurai sword ever forged"? A MACHETE. Internet, your mother and I are getting a divorce and it's your fault.

Thank God! I saw this out of the corner of my eye and thought The AMERICANS had been canceled.

It's not mid-Summer without "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" getting shafted. That's how I remember to clean my gutters.



What a terrible thing to lose.


"And what's the deal with airplane food?"

Two words. Americop.

That's Hank Pym. The movie's going to be Scott Lang.

Yeah, ditto. I guess I can see how "rigid adherence to craft" can translate through to "snotty" once the camera stops rolling.


"Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon…Manny MO-ta!"

With G.E. Smith and the Saturday Night Live Band!

When I was a kid and home sick from school in the early and mid-90s, I used to watch SNL reruns on Comedy Central, and I remember the Sweeney Sisters. The joke, so far as I can recall and such as it was, was "Here is a bad lounge act. Laugh now."

And against WHOM?

No. A three-piece suit that actually fits well is probably the worst thing in the world to do any thing athletic in. It just doesn't move like that — it's cut to make you look imposing and elegant when you're standing tall, not dodging punches. That was actually the example my tailor used: "you wouldn't want to box