Vinny Bruzzese

They're gonna clear that weird hurdle of drink based homophobia in the US someday. I don't care for the vast majority of beer so I generally tell people my favorite beer is a got-damn Hurricane, but I'd say 1 in 10 still have some weird gay joke at the ready for a guy that would prefer a mixed drink.

I have a growler of that, it is delicious. I have a buddy who's a chemist for Ballast Point, and another that doesn't seem to be able to stop buying bottles of Blue Label, and playing Magic with them is invariably the best.

Just saying that out loud should cause Stanley Kubrick to shamble out of his grave bent on revenge.

Nah, it shoulda been on New Genesis and Apokolips.

So, if Dark Tower tanks hard enough, do the rights revert to Marvel?

Schumacher should've pushed that envelope. Put molded nipples on every character in Gotham. Just make it a Gotham thing. Oh, it's dark, broody, there's gargoyles everywhere, and everyone in town is into big rubber molded nipples right on top of their dress shirts.

We can fix these both with one movie. I propose Sahara 2, featuring the bad guy Stacker Pentecost.

The first review I read of that said that Willem Dafoe's Ryuk "gleefully goes about the killing" and I really, really hope that isn't accurate. The best thing about Ryuk is that as creepy and badass as he looks, he's basically a passive observer. He's practically the audience, urging the characters to do something

Easy to work with, everyone has his number already. At a certain level Hollywood ain't about trying hard.

I love that the trailer needs us to see that he has two different load a gun fast tricks.

Imagine that they kill or banish off all the Hawks, who take with them all their horrible subplots. I won't tell you that definitely happens, because that would be spoilers.

Rachel Bloom for Sue Dibny! Also, no Sue Dibny plots for Rachel Bloom!

NEVER! The show is about a whole office building full of people that are needed to tell Barry "Try running faster!" when he has trouble beating a villain with running.

If he wrote the show that'd be awesome news. I bet he'd also agree to no more "I'll go talk to them" moments, since they're at the point now where even the characters are noticing how often it happens and announcing who's turn it is.

I'm glad at least he left without being sacrificed to the Barry-Iris continuum, and that he gets out before they strap him into a lame outfit and start calling him Mister Originality or some other lame Flash villain they haven't done yet.

Was ist los?

He's just grumpy because he got the Fuck Marry Kill game all wrong with Marion, Willie, and Elsa. It must be especially galling since Indy got it exactly right.

Can't you just draw a pentagram with basically any five locations?

Good, chicken wings are garbage meat and I hope the idiots that fall for them as a fun food item are paying extra.

No, but there are about to be.