Vinny Bruzzese

Probably because it was the only rule about the Night's Watch that every other petty lord liked. Have a problem? Ship them off to the wall forever no questions. If people start leaving their frozen secret piggy bank is worthless or dangerous.

Lol if these books end with the same story as frigging Warcraft 3 that'll be good for a laugh.

A Casual Loop is basically the lazy river of time travel theories.

That'd just mean the Jedi aren't using artificial ones because what, they aren't natural? The rest of a lightsaber isn't exactly made of rocks and lichen. Seems like just more after-the-fact overexplanation. How about Sith use red sabers because they look real good against black outfits?

No, that's in prep for his new role as a stevedore on the yellow submarine.

Does this mean he can't be the Joker anymore? Mayhap a film that reveals that wasn't the Joker? Maybe the Joker comes in and blows up a CGI Jared Leto?

Between when she gets a job at the bad man's book empire and when she marries the other very wealthy man that seems bad but ultimately is good, but boy does he sure have a lot of expensive sex toys in his super mansion. I mean oh wow.

I'm wondering if his language choice was contextually driven by his potential audience. You want Dan Savage's advice, you can't send him what you'd say to your therapist, you gotta say "rock hard" a few times. He ain't got page space for letters that aren't at least a little creepy.

What if he added "But I go down again. You're never gonna keep me hard" after it?

But Death isn't an abstract concept in Marvel, it's a lady with a skeleton face. She likes to make out with Deadpool. Honestly making her Hela instead of sexy Skeletor (wait, what am I saying, Skeletor is sexy Skeletor) would be a good call.

There's a bunch of rumors floating around that they are merging the two characters, which honestly is a smart move. If it means they keep Bogan Hela around, I am 100% on board.

1998 Godzilla. I'm fairly certain Hank Azaria is intentionally playing the worst New Yorker in the world.

Dear New York,
I love you, but you smell bad. Please take like five thousand showers. Also, please have rats carry Rudy Giuliani screaming into a subway tunnel never to be seen again. I dream of the day we can be together, when people stop making self-indulgent masturbatory movies about the many scruffy characters

They don't have the rights, they don't have the rights. They would love to make a solo Hulk movie, but Universal has the rights.

Oh yeah, two sets of "Tarantino's Finest" foot models exchanging stock, off the shelf grade Tarantino banter for FOREVER, each followed by a few minutes of exciting car stuff. Thrill as you try to remember the details behind such characters as "Does a lapdance for no reason" girl and "Girl who is wondering where her

Oh good, well now I know what every critic will harp on about. Good to get that established nice and early.

Whoa wait hold on, the dude told this story TWICE? I'm sorry, I retract my previous statement.

I saw my future wife by asking if I could look through the telescope at the telescopery, and you know what? We're married to this very day. I hope you've learned a lesson about how not everyone on food stamps is a bad person. Please like to Amen, Retweet to Hallelujah.

Where else you supposed to catch Hitlermanchop?

By socializing, I assume you mean getting in fights with some guy's asshole kid that keeps yelling Lugia even when there isn't one there? Because other than that and trying to shove past people, I don't see much odds of socializing.