Vinny Bruzzese

I don't normally do self-promotion, but everyone go listen to my new podcast. We are reviewing old Star Wars Expanded Universe novels, three chapters at a time. We have started with Shadows of the Empire (because it is extremely terrible), and we just posted our sixth episode. It is called Expounded Universe, and

Yeah, Elliot is basically my template for how to address fans about to ask questions. Like.
A. If your question requires a two-minute preamble about who you are, don't ask it.
B. If your question includes a personal request, it is not a question. Don't ask it.
C. If you are thinking you will stay on the mic after you

While I loved the music choices, I agree that having him be the only character that seems to be walking around with an invisible boombox was a little noticeable.

Oh that adds up. I figured she was just the previous iteration of Black Sky, but if she's the Beast then her keeping Elektra around as body #X makes fine sense.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Head in the Bock.


If we can just sink this bullseye, their whole fleet will come crashing down like a house of cards…. checkmate.

It was Ten Little Indians.

Oh he's just gonna be made of discrete little squares like every robot in movies these days. He'll start doing that flying around as a cloud thing, just wait.

Yeah, the best movie to do that to though is Weekend at Bernie's 2.

That was one of the episodes I was thinking about. The scene where he's eating with his family is fine, the rest is just him exalting wealthy molecular gastronomists and fish canners. He basically just needs to stay out of the fashionable parts of Europe.

I HATE when he visits San Diego places. I already knew Phil's was good, you cheese man! Now all I know is that the line is never less than two hours.

I guess, I just wish that more local culture and history didn't culminate in specifically giant cheeseburgers and chicken-fried steaks.

Roman Polanskis be driving like this. Woody Allens, on the other hand, be driving like this.

Bourdain is best when they keep him away from old money destinations. Every time he exults about eating some three hundred dollar canned clam, going on about how you've never had clams because you've never been to the coasts of Northern Spain, and specifically this one fancy-ass restaurant, he just comes off a little

Like a fry cook would use, basically a big flat hot metal area. I get you're avoiding a BBQ grill, for sure. You could do it in a pan at home or on a stove-top griddle.

And as always, the best version of this song is played over the end credits to the Remastered version of the Ducktales video game, like so: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

The big thing to do here with that stuff is take the breakfast burrito ingredients (potato, bacon, onions, peppers, eggs, cheese) and add a healthy supply of refried beans in too, wrap it up in a burrito. For some reason, that's the lunch burrito.

I went to '98 and got front row seats to Cibo Matto on a side stage, so A) dug that diversity, and B) Holy shit Cibo Matto was awesome.

Well, the trick is that the shell needs to be deep fried right before you tuck in so they're tough to make at home. That said, I'm San Diegan and we've made these a few times. You just take some baked or boiled potato (whatever makes them soft, doesn't matter) toss in some cayenne or tajin or what have you for a