Vinny Bruzzese

I almost halfway agree here. If I was taking in a roommate and had to tell them "look, we fuck in the living room every day. If you don't like it, don't move in" I feel like I'd get a less sympathetic response. It's just that D/s folks have a policy of "none of this obvious sex stuff we're doing is sex!"

Hah, that onion article about mayo having higher viscosity for more efficient swallowing. It's been true all along.

I'd guess Whirlwind, but he might be a mutant, hard to say.

Dude looks like the Joel Hodgson of Earth 2.

In 2019 Fox will proudly offer Fantastic Four, starring Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique.

Man in my A/S/L days I was on this dumb website collegeclub.com, and it used some shitty archaic chat engine that put your username in the url. So you could just copy the URL, change your username, and clone other people in the chat room. Those were glorious days for a young troll.

Aw you don't like things being called Little [Something] Boys?

Yeah man, never say "Go up, thou baldhead" to random dudes. Also it was specifically she-bears, which is a rad detail.

No we didn't we just measured quantum entanglement. Goddamn misleading article.

That and Manson and his little band won't lend themselves to Tarantino dialog. Sure they're gonna spend forever yakking back and forth about interesting 60s bands and radio dials while dangling their feet out of car windows and porches, but that'll ring false for Manson's people. Because they were a bunch of

Also, why is he posing with a hatless Fozzie Bear? I thought this article was about Kermit.

Also Kermit's new mole and trenchcoat are awful suspicious.

Dunno man, he looks like a redheaded Psychlo to me. Thirsty for a pan of kerbango.

Well the thing you're going to run into there is that 5e D&D kinda sucks for live play purposes. At best you'll find people loosely using it as a framework but ignoring like 90% of the rules because they aren't fun to listen to. It's not a terrible game but it's a little old fashioned. You tend to get a lot of "Roll

Two questions there. Specifically D&D or just AP? And specifically AP (Actual Play) or discussion as well?

It's magic in the way a voodoo doll or getting your heart ripped out by Mola Ram is magic.

You, me, and Alfre Woodard all know that the movie division doesn't care about the TV division.

Just cast MODOK already. Where else are you going to put him? He's too small for an Avengers villain, he's science-themed, and Ant-Man doesn't really have any worthwhile villains. Who are they gonna put in, that tornado guy? Just bite the bullet, cast Patton Oswalt, and make this a MODOK movie.

Hey, maybe after the movie this guy heads down to the TV show for a while.

Oh boy yet another little puddle of rye and bitters. I gotta be honest, I was sort of hoping this feature would produce some fun cocktails.