Vinny Bruzzese

This really doesn't seem like a good fit. It's not like there's some big new thing for them to push. Waiting in line for 26 hours to see Lynch vaguely refuse to answer questions isn't wowing me as a concept.

Someone stopped by offscreen, checked to make sure they weren't inhumans or robots, and took off for greener pastures.

What's with the dutch angle smile, did Tim Burton direct this guy's face?

Eh, that sounds like an extra 60 years of being all arthritic and shitty. If the human lifespan was expanding such that I could be 27 for an extra 60 years, that'd be something.

What decadence that we have an entire factory to just make abandoned pallets.

Oh Mayim Bialik no!

I did a version of this song where we sang a bunch of fantasy weapons for my RPG review podcast, it was fun but surprisingly difficult.

I guess I should take this time to announce I'm never going to watch Big Bang Theory. I wasn't involved with it and I'm not famous, but it feels good to get that information off my chest.

Just imagine that poor football man, I think his name is Peyton Manling. That can't have been easy.

It wouldn't have had the Michael Pena stuff or Hope Pym. I guess those would have been filled in with more whip-crackity satire, but honestly I liked both of those characters a lot.

I always say this, but it's marred by terrible sound editing. Whole thing sounds like it was recorded in a high school wood shop. Which doesn't help when half the movie is whispered internal monologues being played over spoken conversations or just people standing there looking forward.

How about instead of this we do a bunch of Magneto stuff, a bunch of scenes of Mystique either in her not blue JLaw form or as someone else flashing yellow eyes briefly, and one scene where Quicksilver makes it look like his power is stopping time? Oh and then in the background there's a new villain with indistinct

That's basically up to the LW, right? I assume the standard leering and touching, but to each their own. My issue was with Savage basically hearing "There were are lot of creeps around" and thinking "No there wasn't it's you." Like if the LW story was "I was walking home through an alley and there were like so many

I often find myself wondering what the average person means when they say micropenis. My natural inclination is to assume that penis-judging works about the same as giving star ratings on Yelp. If you care enough to mention it, it's getting a 1 or a 5. No one goes online to call a 2 a 2. They go online to call

I've been to some kink events where yes, a lot of the people there are super creepy. The ratio of people that think that boundaries don't matter is generally a little higher at an event where sex is part of the whole ouevre. The answer shouldn't be that the LW is automatically a judgemental snoot, the answer is that

She's the star of the Playstation 1 era fighting game "Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi" which is extremely terrible.

Aww, no love for the Star Wars legends? Let's get some stories about Callista or Mara Jade or Guri the Sexy Assassin Droid or Arden Lyn the martial artist with a chunky robot arm in here? What? You say most those characters are extremely terrible? Damn!

Banana ketchup is popular in some places and available in the US. It's honestly not all that different from tomato ketchup.

I assure you I am not.

Let's give Wes Anderson a Marvell movie! I think he'd probably make an okay Great Lakes Avengers.