Vinny Bruzzese

I love that fight! It's a lot of fun, and It reinforces a general truism about the Marvel universe, which is that there are so many goddamn heroes that eventually a lot of them are just standing around in an area doing the equivalent of guard duty. Plus it actually does end up setting up a bit in Civil War where I

They need to pick the director at just the right moment for optimal ripeness. Too soon and they'll be bland and green, too late and they'll be prone to falling apart, bathed in a cloud of their own overripe gasses.

No, it was an orb seeking the heroes!

Almost everything you liked in the movie was thought up by Reed and McKay, it's practically a laundry list of the good parts. Train fight, Reed and McKay, freefall briefcase while Disintegration plays, Reed and McKay. All the Michael Pena stuff. Wright also wanted to limit the role of Hope Pym, apparently didn't

Britney Young would make a rad Kingpin. I mean look at that picture, she is straight up about to smash Alison Brie's head off with a car door.

Oh yeah! They were on a 1 hit wonder playlist I used to have… along with Three Strange Days by School of Fish, I think.

Fuck it, list time
Bitch - Meredith Brooks
In the Meantime - Spacehog
Possum Kingdom - Toadies
Halcyon On and On - Orbital (I'm sure Born Slippy charted somewhere too)
Three Strange Days - School of Fish

Well sure but Rascal King and Royal Oil were also on pretty regular radio play.

Incorruptibility is a perfectly fine cinematic flaw. Conflict will arise from her unwillingness to go along with Batman's shady-ass plans.

"as if the first Thor had increased Jane’s role at the cost of downplaying Loki and Odin."

It may have a good tutorial but Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator is a bad name.

I don't even know if she was ever in a comic book.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest for Guardians 3 to have an appearance by the band from the Howard the Duck movie in it. Cherry Bomb! And their hit song, which is sung pretty close to the tune of the Jackson 5's Shake Your Body.

Nope, Lorna Gray from the 1944 Captain America serials, playing some kidnapped secretary named Gail Gardner.

A societal rule, or behavioral tool, that's a more.

This should really be in the other thread about Spider Man but how cool would it be if the Marvel hero guesting in the sequel to Homecoming was the debut of a new Blade? They could do a Morbius story.

It's gotta be Ant-Man and/or the Wasp, right? Bug fight! You know Paul Rudd is going to be down for that, and Ant Man and Spider Man would be rad when fighting whatever next villain they dredge up (my money is on Mysterio and Scorpion).

Bring to me Space Harrier! It really feels like it'd work well as a mobile game, unlike Sonic which I can't imagine will be even slightly playable.

Ever since they added those Tonya Softings Marshmallows to my boxes of Cinnamon Kerrigans, all the cereal pieces have been busted! Ha ha! 1994.

Oh yeah, I got that one bad as a kid. I blame James Herriot novels.