Vinny Bruzzese

Embarassed to admit that I read the term biogas and wondered at first what a natural bioga was.

What, who could possibly be tired of a blur that you're fairly sure has six limbs? It looked so great in that Star Trek movie when they did it in red!

That's a Julia Sweeney as Pat doll. How'd that get in there?

He looks like he's going to complement your choice of the new Masala Puff Pastry minis while he rings you up at Trader Joes.

Aye, spinne us a raedle, the mooncalf in greene, prithee.

Didn't that one guy ever getting around to kicking their asses in? Feel like I should have read about that.

Also Moonlight was a Cloverfield film. You can tell because it had nothing to do with Cloverfield.

Everyone loves shillelagh.

Well, he didn't say HE wanted to play Wolverine, just that there should be a new one. Clearly he wants to play Banshee.

I'm 38! I just recognize quality when it's placed in front of me. Besides, I don't have any particular affiliation. My collection spans every edition, and I've enjoyed them all. Presumably because I have a range of taste.

Yep. It definitely needs the grid, but the results are so great.

Heh, you sure are quoting a lot. It's a fine game with a lot of new choices and options. Sorry you got exposed to the weird internet contingent that hates it first.

Sure, sure. I'm not saying any game is a bad game. I just want people to recognize the breakdown of what they like about a game really, it's like 40% the ideas it gives you, 50% how good your table is at coming together and having a good time, and 10% the houserules you already forgot you use because they seem so

The "you can't roleplay while you're playing it!" argument is hilarious.

RP only takes a backseat in a game if you stop RPing, that's really more on your table than your rules. 4e doesn't force you not to hail yon tremulous gnome. It just gives you a set of moves somewhat more diverse than "I attack." If your specific complaint was that you were always that one guy that swung from every

Everyone who has ever been between the ages of 12 and 17 maintains there was a golden age. They are universally wrong.

Heh, one comment til you admit your favorite terrible system is your favorite because you houseruled the shit out of it. I get it. This is true of every single gamer in the world.

Yeah, but that's so they can LARP. Dressing like a LARPer to play D&D at a table is what entertainers do, basically.

Mail order was a big deal in the early to mid 80s for nerds.

Nope, but once every six months a mildly famous person will mention RPGs and the AV Club will be there!