That's the part that kicked this episode into the "great" category for me.
That's the part that kicked this episode into the "great" category for me.
I love "Jacking it…" too, but I don't think that reference will age well at all. I've had to explain the Kony guy's meltdown to at least three people because of that episode.
I love "Jacking it…" too, but I don't think that reference will age well at all. I've had to explain the Kony guy's meltdown to at least three people because of that episode.
Whenever South Park brings in the old man from Pet Semetery, I lose it. It's such a silly reference, but the show uses him so well. (Although, I was waiting for a "You don' wanna go down that ruhd…")
Whenever South Park brings in the old man from Pet Semetery, I lose it. It's such a silly reference, but the show uses him so well. (Although, I was waiting for a "You don' wanna go down that ruhd…")
Did that new Superman reboot already come out?
Did that new Superman reboot already come out?
I killed this franchise all because I had incredible sex!
I killed this franchise all because I had incredible sex!
He was the Biggie Smalls of legendary directors.
He was the Biggie Smalls of legendary directors.
Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain over and over again?
Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain over and over again?
I think this one is more Nolan, and the Toby Jones movie is more "black and white, bittersweet French cartoon."
I think this one is more Nolan, and the Toby Jones movie is more "black and white, bittersweet French cartoon."
Watching Dexter must be particularly draining for you.
Watching Dexter must be particularly draining for you.
Starring Anne Heche as Van Sant in Hitchcock jowel prosthesis.