Bad Answer Guy

So like Transformers?

Zou Bisous, Cocoaboacop!

Zou Bisous, Cocoaboacop!

On Bieber album: "This boy uses mild swears in the presence of children."

On Bieber album: "This boy uses mild swears in the presence of children."

Seems like next week's challenge was crafted for Dmitry. The designers are (presumably) making clothes for dancers, and he was a dancer who formerly made ballroom clothing.

Seems like next week's challenge was crafted for Dmitry. The designers are (presumably) making clothes for dancers, and he was a dancer who formerly made ballroom clothing.

I guess braces and acne are my cultural heritage then. I wonder how I can incorporate that into a tasteful pantsuit…

I guess braces and acne are my cultural heritage then. I wonder how I can incorporate that into a tasteful pantsuit…

Heidi's dress was hideous. I was waiting for her to say that she had designed that textile herself. I couldn't imagine any other excuse for her wearing that thing.

Heidi's dress was hideous. I was waiting for her to say that she had designed that textile herself. I couldn't imagine any other excuse for her wearing that thing.

I'm an Athiest, but I can't help but put up Transformers 3 decorations every year. Nostalgia, I guess…

I'm an Athiest, but I can't help but put up Transformers 3 decorations every year. Nostalgia, I guess…

4licity Hu44man

4licity Hu44man

That's awesome, Malingerer! I got good news on the cholesterol front lately too. I recently went (mostly) vegetarian, and my last blood test came back looking great.

That's awesome, Malingerer! I got good news on the cholesterol front lately too. I recently went (mostly) vegetarian, and my last blood test came back looking great.

Coconut is delicious. I will hear no other opinion on the subject!

Coconut is delicious. I will hear no other opinion on the subject!

Nina: "Heidi, your outfit looks… inexpensive."