Bad Answer Guy

That's a great choice. It sounds like a triumphant "I'm over you! It's going to be okay!" song at first, and then there's "Even if I stop wanting you/ A perspective pushes through/ I'll be some next man's other woman soon…"  Crushing.

Another Suzanne Vega song came to my mind when I read this article's title. "Frank and Ava" is probably the perkiest break-up-and-live-in-regret song I've ever heard.

Another Suzanne Vega song came to my mind when I read this article's title. "Frank and Ava" is probably the perkiest break-up-and-live-in-regret song I've ever heard.

what what

The question isn't how many comments will involve cool or hot… it's when many.

From the brilliant mind that brought you Alice in Wonderland and that hugely lucrative remake of Charlie and the Chocolate factory comes another tale of wonder set in a magical land of imagination…

"This woman needs an emergency C-section!"
"Don't touch the sides!"

I'm waiting for a gritty reboot of Clue.

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus , I somehow read your comment as "…or getting the crap kicked out of them for being forced to watch The Bachelor…"


Manstruation is no joking matter!

Dick Rockhard in Man Love, Actually.

I was thinking it's the weird non-eyebrows. Her face is attractive enough.

Oh, come on. She contributed the feeling of disgust I have every time I read the name "Sookie" printed anywhere. I'd say that's something!

Only after Sierra's evil twin falls to her doom down that shaft after announcing that she is pregnant with Antonio's baby — even though Antonio is married to Sierra! And now the police don't think it's an accident, so Sierra, who also happens to be pregnant, but NOT by her husband, is led away in handcuffs while the

And dancing around the kitchen table.

We women prefer the use of the proper nomenclature — bitches and hos.

I'm not sure Twilight would pass the Bechdel test. Is there ever a scene with two female characters talking to each other but not about a (dreamy, sparkly) man?

I've always pitied men for their inability to menstruate. I guess their higher wages make up for that cruel reality just a little.

Great! Now I'm on my period.