Bad Answer Guy

*Imagines Tom Waits as Catwoman, has sexual identity crisis*

I caught two minutes of the show last night — the girls were at some sort of craft fair, selling their cupcakes. A girl in "traditional Dutch" clothing insults them for some reason, and the monotone brunette broke girl tells her to stick her finger in a dike… har har har… lesbian joke.

2 Broke 2 Gurlz

That's disappointing. I know Rufus is hoping to have a hit (as he said in Time or Newseek), but I love his idiosyncratic stuff. Music doesn't get much better to me than "Go or Go Ahead" or "Beauty Mark." "Out of the Game" is pretty, but it doesn't have the spark of insanity that marks my favorites of his.

Silly shows, but Nip/Tuck and American Horror Story both had great, mood-setting title sequences.

D'oh! I blame the late night hour for my bad answering tonight. I'll think of something else to blame tomorrow.

I loved the NYPD Blue'd version of the Community Theme. That was subtly fantastic.

While I nodded, nearly napping,  
During a film of immeasurable woe,
Suddenly there came a clapping
as if someone gently fapping,
Fapping in a nearby row.
"Last time I go to a matinee show…"

Should Alice Eve's character be about 10 years younger?

Not the Raven! Arrrghhh! It's in my eyes!!!!

Well done!

The Raisin

The sequel, The Poe Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, was kind of a let down though…

Depend chose a really bizarre and passive aggressive approach to selling their product. "I know that you, Celebrity Person Endorsing our Product, don't have to use Depend because Eww! Yuck! Gross!, but would you wear them for 'charity'?"

The singing is really the least violating thing they plan to do to Queen on AI tonight. I heard for the show's grand finale, they're going to wheel out Freddy Mercury's corpse and have Simon hurl abuses at it.

Jack White people write movie scores like this: deedle-leedle-dee…

White Stripes People Problems…

I agree. Meow, Hairy Pete Campbell.

To quote AVC's resident Rubber Man: "Mrph mrph rmmm"

Act Like a CatLady, Think Like a Batman. I'd see that movie…