Bad Answer Guy

Women be exitin'!

Bad Rowboat Cop!

I only remember the part of the song with the dance instructions. "Now step! Now step!" *cut to me sitting on the couch, eating cheetos*

Maybe the staff can invite beloved commenter Biastioc to help with that review.

There's no video, but you are actually hallucinating.

No Wiz-cest!

It's not about her name, but I liked the reaction from Shirley and Andre when they realized they'd agreed to name their baby Ben Bennett.

Orange. Mint are delicious but give me icy, refreshing heartburn.

"Cookie Monster, you're a loose cannon and a disgrace to the force! Hand over your gun and badge!"

Schindler's List 2: Auschwitz Drift

Moshi, moshi! Jesus desu!

The song was embarrassing to me too, but the chorus/style was pretty typical of the French yé-yé music that was popular in the 60's.

My first was this year's Halloween Episode. I was sucked in right away.

Seacrest is handsome in a Stepford (Steppinwolf…) Husband kind of way. He looks like he was assembled in a gameshow host factory. I don't think Jeff has the same appeal at all.

I guess I just don't see much resemblence between Seacrest and McHale. They're both attractive, all-American looking types, but Seacrest has that asexual Ken Doll thing about him. And McHale would have to stand on his knees to really be Seacrest.

Whew. I was afraid they were making fun of me for being a gypsy, a tramp, and a thief. It's not easy to be all three. And thanks, Guys!

I've gotten Penelope Cruz before. Also Young Cher. Not sure how to take the second one…

I would say it's worse than both, but I actually liked those two episodes (especially Pharmacology). It's a very, very silly episode. I'm not sure there's another in the show that I could compare it to.

I felt the same way. I love this show, but this episode made me a little embarrassed for everyone involved. Just too broad, too silly. I'm not liking the thought bubbles and cartoon cut aways. This is a smart show; it doesn't need that stuff.

That lyric is the only reason I clicked the link to this review. I wanted to see how long it would take for someone in the comment section to post it. Well done, Monsieur/Madame Plucker!