Bad Answer Guy

Single female lawyer
Fighting for her clients!
Wearing sexy miniskirts
And being self-reliant!

I've only seen one or two of those Target ads, but I haven't gotten a Jerri Blank vibe from them. Did Maria steal the tee-vee?

Daria for me as well. My junior high television-watching life basically revolved around that show.

Me as well. I imagine Dawes to sound like Alanis Morissette's God in Dogma. Just sheer, mindblowing, incomprehensible sound.

We had it on VHS when I was a kid. Watched it many times, but most of the plot has fallen into the void of my little kid ADD-addled memory.

Free Hat!

Fixer? I'm just tryin' to do 'er in the butt!

You don't know how long I've been waiting for a gritty reboot of Extreme Home Make-over.

I believe they mean someone who spays and neuters pets.

Cronenberg just needs to find a Benjamin Button of his very own. Only, instead of aging backwards, his Button would probably have a vagina-like orifice on his chest or some such nonsense.

'Bama rappers, I believe, are Southern white rappers with a fondness for our current Commander in Chief.

*pulls invisible rope, lassos heathroi with it*

Wicky wicky


Hrm… "It's Alive!", "Rosemary's Baby," "Species"… yep. I'd say it's all Morman propoganda.

Part of what made Dexter (the character and the show) so satisfying in the beginning was that Dexter was the smartest person in the room. He was Deb's mentor in police business, he was about 50 steps ahead of the dingleberries in Miami Metro, he was even borderline omniscient about how everyone felt about him (whether

His post Oscar-career choices are becoming somewhat maddening. I hope he doesn't Cuba Gooding, Jr. himself out of good roles.

Dujardin is swoon worthy. Hoping he'll become a big(ger) international sensation.

I'm rather shocked too. The trailer looked like the worst kind of kiddie movie dreck. I know you shouldn't judge a movie by its trailer, but that scene of Sascha Baron Cohen slamming into a giant cake looked dire, to say the least.

I got very confused for a second about whether your were referencing the hole in the berry or in the nipple.