Bad Answer Guy

Looks like he's just snapped his fingers dramatically and is somewhere in the midst of shouting "OH NO, GIRR-FRIENDDDD!"

This film sounds like it would make a great. rainy Saturday double feature with Showgirls.

Your comment made me giggle with glee.

He got naked in most of his earlier movies. That was usually worth my ticket money.

What's the Victorian musical equivalent of thumping bass and wah-wah pedal?

My favorite Swann. He let me touch the little downy feathers around his cloaca.

A bit slow and cerebral for my liking, but the sex scenes were… titilating.

You'd think "Swan" was a very common last name if you limited your tv/movie/book consumption to crappy-ish fantasy/action fare. Elizabeth, Bella, now Emma.

I have one black friend. I met him over the Ouija Board. I assume he's black, anyway. He's always talking about Black Magic and attending Black Mass.

First and foremost: "Who decapitated Nanny?"

And all of the Jewish kids heaved sighs at the realisation that they will die alone…

/creeps into thread


Would [REC] be ruined for me if I've already seen Quarantine?

I had the same experience watching The Ring in the theater. Just a brilliant time. The movie still chills me a bit when it comes on tv, but it can't compare to the experience of watching it in a theater and seeing the audience react.

"He wouldn't know his hole from an ass in the ground."

I probably am crazy, but I just wasn't that impressed with her (or any of the girls) in those fight pictures. I'll have to check out Coco's non-ANTM photos. Maybe it was just the photo shoot I didn't like.

I think there was a glimpse of Rubber Man in the teaser for next week's episode. I'm very curious to find out what the hell he's doing in that house.

I thought Coco looked ridiculous in most of the photos. She does have a presence and a jolie laide quality, but aside from having a lot more confidence than the other girls, I didn't see a shining beacon of talent there.

Is Alexandria from a recent season of top model? She looks much older than most of the other contestants.