Bad Answer Guy

Pet Sematary scared the holy hell out of me back in my horror book days.

I love the show too. I can't help it.

I've never liked the term "Atheist" either. I prefer "Godless Heathen."

I'll admit to being the person who bought Navarro's solo album (I think I was 13, and I was a big Jane's fan). His guitar work was still pretty great at that point (and his voice was all right, if a bit mumbly).

That made me laugh (and continue to laugh) much harder than a comment should. Well done.

I saw Lambchop in concert! They launched into this really great, obscure song of theirs. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was…

I'm assuming the gritty reboot of The Velveteen Rabbit would be a lot like Contagion. "This new plague is wiping out humanity!"
"What's the cause?"
"We don't know, but we should probably destroy all soft toys just in case!"

I, for one, do not believe that Wes is more.

Rather empty in here. I might take a nap, But first, a prayer:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord, my first to keep.

Bridge to Teribithea wrecked me as a kid. Pretty sure I ruined "D.E.A.R time" that day with my bawling.

Boning is the plastic (or sometimes metal) infrastructure sewn into clothing to give it a certain shape.

The casting could be a problem. Plenty of Cornflake Girls to choose from in LA, but who to pick for the Raisin Girls?

You should have taken his picture. I've heard he finds that mildly objectionable.

When I was a kid, I had my favorite shows (some of which were smart and had positive portrayals of girls), but I also just watched a whole lot of shit because it was on.

Prawstitution Whore-ah!

Corn nuts…

There's "Just A N-word That Likes Titties"

I'm starting to root for Laura. I couldn't stand her by the end of her cycle, but much like a fungus, her Southern charm has grown on me. She's just very cute and positive throughout a lot of the silliness.

Waiting by the phone for a call from the studio making that batshit "What if Jim Morrison were still alive?" movie.

Adam West could do the Bat-tusi all over that schmuck Kilmer!