Bad Answer Guy

Aw, Snap!

Dream Girls 2: Freddy's Dead

I dunno. I always had a hard time telling Tomax and Xamot apart, and I loved them like my own children.

Seems a strange combination of names for twins, Siobhan and Bridget. They could have had one named Saoirse to really up the Celtic, how-do-you-pronounce-that? ante.

What about The Grudge? That was fantastic foolishness!

Isn't Sex and the City Babies just Toddlers in Tiaras?

Skipper is locked away in Samantha's sex dungeon.

All's fair in love and Cupcake Wars.

She's probably a sweet girl, but I found her so unlikeable on Cupcake Wars last night. Her comments to the chefs were kind of condescending for a teenage Disney product.

I kept thinking she'd won before, but no. She just had outfits that I thought should have won.

I liked the first one segment the best too. It was a lovely slice of silliness. The diamond comet was beautiful as Fry was walking around on it, and the sight gag with the black and white rainbow cracked me up.

*winks lady parts*

Aw, I wonder what Fraulein Goodtimes is up to these days…

Knock knock!
Who's there?
9/11 who?

They're the Greatest Generation, dammit!



Warm and connected? Amelie, maybe.

Same here. The loopy delivery of "I was just a 16 year old kid. What the hell did I know?" in all of the commercials sends me giggling.

Damn, you beat me to the joke, Whata!