Bad Answer Guy


I probably gave up on Fringe too early (early season 2), but I just couldn't shake the feeling that it was a pale shadow of the X-Files with its monster of the week shows and government conspiracy arcs. The plots weren't so bad, but the leading lady was so bland and the lead man was a character I've seen in a hundred

I really liked the British squint (Vincent). The character was a bunch of traits — trivia-obsessed goofball recovering alcoholic — without much depth, but I found the actor's delivery very amusing.

Always Sunny was originally on FX, I think. Most of their late night shows have had copious amounts of "shit" in them. Nip/Tuck was the first show I remember seeing with it.

Shit still jumps out to me whenever it's said on tv because it was one of the few remaining big NO curse words on tv when I was growing up. I remember "ass munch" getting Beavis and Butthead in hot water…

"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Napoleon's opinion of Danish filmmakers just never caught on at Cannes.

His style doesn't appeal to me either. I have friends who enjoy his stand-up, but I don't think I've done more than crack a smirk at any of his jokes.

I don't think it's a "he's medicated or he's lying" scenario. For about a year, I was so depressed I could barely eat or get out of bed, but through sheer willpower, I made myself go to class everyday. It's not impossible to fight against your depression, but it's damn difficult.

[Racist rant with questionable grammar and spelling]

The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones was on constant rotation in my household when I was a little kid, The Moose. The joys and wonders of having autistic older siblings.


Men are as proud of their farts as women are of their querfs!

That was a great metaphor, Miller. Well put.

I think I love you, Santos. I won't marry you because I care for you too much.

I loved Six Feet Under. Yay for one good reason to get up on Tuesdays!

I enjoy a lot of her music. "Precious Things" and "God" are probably my favorite. You can be a fan of hers and not fit the stereotype.

So it's basically the ultimate Pro-life parable?

I'll admit to liking Bones. The cast is likable. The writing is dumb but not offensively so. I mostly tune in for the product placement.

I rather enjoy NummyMuffinCookooButter's name. It sounds delicious.

If I'm going to be mummifed after my death, can someone make sure to prop me up in a chair first? Preferably one with wheels so I can be spun around dramatically a la Psycho.