Bad Answer Guy

True, true, but there aren't enough recorded instances of historical figures walking away from those explosions in slow motion, refusing to glance at the destruction behind them.

Now with 'splosions!

I'm torn on A.I. The first half is very interesting and unsettling. I like all of the performances (distracting Chris Rock cameo aside), but the ending is just so flawed. I'm one of those weirdos who thinks the movie should have ended with the robot boy staring at the statue underwater.

Yeah! A pox on The Nerdist!

Don' go down, Don' go down, Don' go down
That ruhd!
The heart of a man is stonier, Looooouis!

It never seems to pan out for the leches and pervos though. Remember the countdown to the Olsen Twins turning 18? They went from cute 17 year olds to hunchbacked, big-glasses-wearing bag ladies instantly.

I agree, Inspector, about The Ring. I loved that movie, but I thought it would have been creepier if it had either ended after the "You're not supposed to help her… She never sleeps!" part (but then we would have missed the tv climb scene, which I'll admit, scared the holy hell out of me the first time I saw it) or

I don't remember which channel it was (maybe Sci-Fi?), but I remember one station consistently playing The Exorcist around Easter time. That's a holiday tradition I can stand by.

Thank you!

Now that AV Club has me thinking about Peanuts (damn you!), I'm wondering, Does anyone remember a special that was some sort of mystery story (I think something got stolen, and the gang had to figure out who did it). Snoopy dressed up like Sherlock Holmes and dusted for fingerprints. He had a neato bubble-blowing pipe.

I remember the 2nd Thanksgiving special. There was a scene of everyone on the Mayflower getting seasick that sticks with me more than any of the historical facts.

God, Follow That Bird was depressing. Big Bird painted blue and weeping in a cage. Could you imagine that being made today?

I like the New Britney idea, but I think that the role should be randomly appointed. Some years, "Britney" will be a cute, Disney approved young popster. Another year, it'll be a fat, balding construction worker. After that, a goat, a chair, a mailbox. New Britney, same as the old Britney!

I'd probably been taken along to other movies before this, but the first movie I remember seeing in a theater was The Little Mermaid for my fourth birthday. I had a freak-out as soon as Ursula appeared on the screen, and my mom had to carry me out. Still don't know how that one ends.

I prefer the remix "Flip the Mattress."

…and the lewd, Ludacris-assisted "Wet The Bed."
Was this one written by Sarah Silverman?

It's more like a cigarette on a long handle.

God hates frogs? It ain't easy bein' green…

I know this was a failed firstie, but it gave me a good laugh. Well done, sir or madam.

@buttercup: I didn't find the book anti-woman at all. Jane is a very strong protagonist. She stands up for herself against her aunt's cruelty, and she wins Rochester's respect by being intelligent and refusing to kiss his ass.