Bad Answer Guy

Josh Brolin as George W. Bush

Slightly embarrassed about theseā€¦
I'm with Marah Eakin wishing there had been a season or two more of My So-Called Life. The finale episode ended in such a bitter-sweet, unresolved way. I think it would be cool to know how those characters turned out fifteen years later.

I've only seen Medium a handful of times, but I think that that *was* a storyline, Tuxedo. She was torn between having her tumor removed and possibly losing her ability or dying.

I'd suggest getting him a sexy, hamster mate. No more chewing + bonus hamsters!

So he's basically the male equivalent of Tila Tequila but with two fewer assets.

I recommend clicking on Nicole's name down there and reading her comments one after the other. Somehow, they just get funnier as they go along.

Marry me, Nicole? It's kind of legal in some states.

I think there's some stipulation about how much live action footage can exist in a movie and still qualify for Best Animated Feature.

What are you talking about? Epic Movie is totally a parody! See, they take the scene and redo it word for word, and then, get this, they have one character violently attack another character! That makes it a HILARIOUS take on the original subject matter!

How old do you all take Daisy to be in the book? I'd thought she was Gatsby's age, and Gatsby was older than Nick.

Downey Jr. as Gatsby would actually be some great casting.

Nick turns thirty toward the end of the book. Both Norton and McGuire seem too old for the part.

*fellow nerd. Fellowship of the Nerds

My boyfriend and his fellownerd friends care about some of those characters, but the movies are achingly repetitive. Even the anti-hero asshole superheroes like Iron Man have been done to death by now.

But in the world of OLD Batman, his bat juice is made mostly of prunes and Fiber 1.

I don't remember which season it was (one of the earlier ones), but the kids are playing some patriotic song on the recorder, and Cartman spends all episode trying to find the brown noise, which is the note that makes people spontaneously shit themselves.

I wonder if that's related to the 'brown noise."

If it wasn't a comedy, I'd probably check it out. The concept (aside from the 'Heigl finds a man whose worth losing her immortality for' bullshit) is kind of interesting.

Kidding aside, I actually do think it's a cool name.

Well, time machines are pretty old hat to Iceland now. They've had one since at least the early ninties when brave scientists yanked Bjork from her mundane life in the year 3000.