Bad Answer Guy

It kind of sucks to see Diane Keaton do one wacky romantic comedy after another, but even if that's not my genre of choice, I'm glad she's still working consistently. Not a lot of roles for women her age.

Johann Johannson
That is an awesome name. I commend his parents' lack of imagination.

Ever Present, did you see Inception? In the dreams, she was an icy, deadly badass. In the flashbacks, she was paranoid and depressed. Her character had range, unlike a lot of the female Nolan characters, and she played it well.

I liked "Love Song," but something about "King of Anything" grates on me. I have warm, fuzzy nostalgia for the "Lillith Fare fair" that Steven slagged off in the article, but "K.o.A." is both too calculated and too whiny for my tastes.

Yeah, but they're different SHADES of white. That's diversity, right?

Marion stole the show in Inception. I'd love to see her in another Nolan movie.

She's like a female Ryan Reynolds - beautiful, bland, and a lock for EVERY comic book movie in development.

I'll be a little disappointed if there's no Cat Woman. Since he was able to reinterpret the Joker in a wonderful, somewhat plausible way, I wouldn't doubt that Nolan could do something cool with Cat Woman — silly as her origin story may be.

I always watch tv with the subtitles on (because I'm hard of hearing as hell), and the subbers spelled it "Kyke." I wondered if that was, perhaps, the lolcats version.

There are people who exist in real life who consider 21 Jump Street to be holy ground?

I guess they could be finding the videos on Youtube/Dailymotion/etc. Those sites are the only places I see music videos anymore… but I'm only watching the sad, taped-off-tv videos that MTV actually played in my youth. Way back in the mid-to-late nineties.

I love a good call-back. It's probably my English major need for a concluding statement that wraps everything up at the end.

Anything recorded after 1832 is just a bunch of studio trickery and filth.

On Nabin's idioms: I'm glad not to see the phrase "secretary rock" again this week (partly because the term just seems kinda sexist. "Here's bland female rock that the chicks dig!").

Maybe the end credits could consist of a dance sequence at a free clinic. They could play "Burnin' Love."

I don't see how that description is so far off base for Maria Bamford. If you're not into comedians who do wacky voices, I can't see how she would be your cup of tea at all.

Can he Pleeease kill Quinn? That character is so boring and perfunctory.

Somebody seems to bring up Dexter snapping and becoming a spree killer in every tv club entry. That might be an exciting turn of events for a little while, but I'm not sure how that would benefit the show in the long run. If Dexter started killing innocent people, our relatable (if morally questionable) center of the

I'm usually not a fan of the loud, antic comedians, but there's something about Chris Hardwick's stand-up I find very amusing. I think it's the casual vulgarity.

The Bleeds
Drippy Nips